~❤❄Wrong Move❄❤~

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You,Error,Fell,Sans,and along with Blueberry visited EchoTale for a while.You wondered why the place was so broken down like a war happened here.You asked Error if you and Blueberry can explore this AU a little more.

"Sure,Y/N.But you could only go to places close to us. I don't want you and Berry get hurt.In this AU,humans and monsters don't get well very much.So be careful okay?"

"We will,Error.And if something bad happens with the both of us.We know you guys will protect us."

You gave him a kiss on the cheek as you ran over to Blueberry and started to go around.You see Error blushed when you try to glance at him which made you giggle a bit.


Error POV

Oh my god!Did she just kissed me right now?!I could feel my face burn up in heat.Dark blue blush started to appear on my cheeks.Sans and Fell noticed me blushing and quickly gave me a slight death glare.

"W-what are you two looking at me!?"

"Dude,did she just kissed you?"

"Uhhh...N-no...she didn't-"

I was cut off by Y/N's scream.We quickly went over where Y/N and Blueberry were and saw Gaster Sans lifting Y/N up to the air unconscious.Blueberry was knocked out on the floor.

I see GSans looking different than before.His eyes were like THEM.Only pure black abyss of darkness with no life or even possibly the feeling of emotion.


"Oh hey there,Error.And I see you're with Sans and Fell.Strange.I thought you guys hated each other."

He chuckled demonically and aimed his Gaster Blaster right at Y/N.I feared that if we do anything that sets him off,he's gonna kill Y/N into dust.


Fell quickly fired bones at him which made him lose control of holding Y/N.I try to catch her with my strings but it got blocked by his bones.DAMN IT!

"Want them so badly?Then you'll have to beat me first in a battle to get them!"

He fired Gaster Blasters at us but we dodged it all.I notice Y/N's gaining conscious and starting to wake up.I feel something bad is going to happen next.But I don't know why though...



I suddenly hear the sounds of a fight and Gaster Blasters firing.I quickly gain consciousness to see them battling with a Sans in black clothing.

I feel something coming out inside me as I got angry and cancelled the unknown Sans' magic.My body glowed scarlet again but it was mixed with a black aura.

I formed a death scythe as I charge towards the other Sans.I gave him a deadly glare and a scary growl as he stare at me in fear.


Error and the others started to shake in horror to see the once cute Y/N turned into a very terrifying killer in a flash.


Fell POV

Is that,Y/N!?Why did she turned into THEM!?Wait!?

*He sees your soul and he backs away a little in shock*

Her soul!It has chains around it with a lock in the middle.And it seems to be breaking!

*The chains slowly break by your strong feeling of anger and hatred which fills you with...... LOVE*

Oh no!No no no!If this continues,she'll probably destroy every AU she enters when she can't control her magic!!!

*Your eyes are pure red like the demon itself and it fills you with......POWER*

Even Sans' world will be destroyed!What are we going to do!?We can't stop her so easily!She is basically much more stronger than us!

*Seeing your friends fear you fills you with.....*

TM-S: 4 Stages Of Pain (AU Sans' X Reader)#Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now