~❤❄Past Memories❄❤~

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You woke up in a cold snowy place.You got up and brushed off the snow off of your clothes.You look around to see your in Snowdin.The only strange thing was all the monsters are in white with cuts and bloodmarks.

The monsters started to stare at you.You could feel shivers down to your spine as you walked.Why aren't they talking about you being here?

You shrugged the feeling off and went to Sans and Papyrus' house.As you go there,you started to have second thoughts in knocking on the door but still you did.

"Papyrus?Sans?Are you guys home?"

The door opened to see a white wounded Sans infront of you.You almost stumbled over in shock.What happened to him?!Why did he have a slash mark over his chest?!

"Oh hello there,kiddo.What brings you here to my house?"

His voice was oddly familiar to you for some weird reason.You knew that this wasn't the Sans you once meet before.You are in a different AU and somehow you got mentally transported here to this AU for a reason.

"Uhhh...I...w-was just asking to where am I?"

"Oh?You're in Aftertale,kid."

Aftertale?You could've sworn you heard that before.You try to remember and then a memory was slowly coming back to you.


I was just a kid when I started to dream about him every night.I just watch him and Chara fight in the Judgement Hall.She always beated him over and over again until he gave up.I try to tell Chara to stop killing him but she just laughed at me.

I was just a ghost of her consciousness at that time.I managed to get into timelines somehow but I didn't stopped reasoning with Chara.She eventually got bored and went into a different AU to do her murderous job in killing innocent monsters.

I try talking to him but he can't hear me because my voice was silent from all this happening.I just cried and hugged him eventhough I can't physically hug him but I didn't care.He looked up to me and his expression went from sad to happy.

"I'm glad I've meet you,kiddo...I know I can't physically hug you for your efforts to stop them but I still know your here trying to cheer me up from my sorrows.I hope I can actually get to meet you one day."

"I promise,Geno..."

~~~~~Flashback ends~~~~~

Your body started to fade slowly.You knew that you were going to wake up any moment now.You didn't want to leave him again after all.You grabbed his hand gently and hugged him with a kiss on the cheek.

"K-kid?What are you-?!"

"You will see me again one day,Geno.I promise you..."

You faded from your hug as he cried and he kneeled down suddenly.His tears run down to his eye sockets and made a faint smile on his face.

"Y/N...you...still remember me after all these years.I will wait for you to come back here again."

You slowly woke up from the couch with the boys still remained in their positions sleeping.You looked up and closed your eyes slowly as you met your dearly beloved friend,Geno.

"Soon,my friend.I will meet you again for real."

*Making Geno give hope fills you with...*


Monet: *sniffle*Why!!!!!Why did I have to write Geno in such a sad start!Why!

Sans: Maybe its because you've watched too many drama movies lately.*starts to laugh a little*

Monet: Sans...you..*cries and hugs him tightly* YOU MEANIE!

Fell: *enters the room as he sees me crying* SANS!DID YOU JUST MADE HER CRY!"

Sans: What!?No I didn't!She is having some emotional problems right now.

SwapFell Sans: *slams the door open* SANS!WHY IS MY SWEET MONET CRYING!?DID YOU HURT HER!


Monet: *stops crying* S-sorry,Sans.I'm fine now...

Zaine: *appears out from nowhere* You would always do that when it comes to dramatic scenes,Lily.Honestly,it is starting to irritate me now.


Zaine: Whatever!I'll be over at Grillby's for something to eat.Go cry like a baby ya wimp! *walks away*

Fell: And I thought I was the one who is a big jerk...


Monet: Yeah...So...me and the others will be doing this in the end of a chapter...Thanks for reading my story!See ya soon!

TM-S: 4 Stages Of Pain (AU Sans' X Reader)#Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now