~❄❤Absolute Territory❤❄~(Bonus Chapter)

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Listen to the remixed version of Ken Ashcorp-Absolute Territory while reading this.It will help you imagine the hot stuff going on....I made this a VERY long one because I'm gonna do it by chapter...you know the reason why when your done reading with all of them and have a sinner mood up to max

You were on your laptop searching for*cough*potions*cough*in decreasing orgasms,heighten the sex gauge and canceling out the process of getting pregnant.It also changes your voice to sound more seductive.(If you were wondering what it sounds like,its a mix of English and British)And bought two dozen of it just incase things got"on fire".(Why must I be a huge sinner?).

You also bought collars with binders on them, a bunch of vibrators for the fun of it and handcuffs for the torture.

Your precious play toys were sleeping in their rooms so you could"invade"them easily.You turned off your laptop and went to your room to change something more..."badass but sexy"clothes.You wore a choker with a skull symbol on the middle,fingerless gloves with chains and a spiked bracelet on each arm,black biker boots with a long black and white stripped socks,a sleeveless black leather hoodie with matching short skirt,and a white crop top.You also wore a black hat to add the"sassy"look on you.You put some makeup on yourself with dark red eye highlights and pinkish lipstick.

You hear the door bell and quickly but quitely went downstairs.You peeked over the door to the delivery guy holding your package.You signed the papers for it and he handed you the package.You could've sworn the delivery guy was staring at you with wide eyes and blushing madly but ignored it.

You closed the door gently without making a sound and hid the rest of the stuff inside your room.You looked at the time and it was 1 am in the morning which was the perfect time to do your seductive plan.

You drinked the potion and went upstairs again.You can't decide on which one who you'll go first and just randomly picked a door.

(I'll add scences for each of them to witness the sinful action first hand.)

~Fell's Room~

You turned the doornob and slowly opened the door.You see Fell panting and sweating on the bed with red glowing stuff on the sheets.You smiled maniacally and got back to your room to grab your"stuff"and went inside his room with the door locked.

You slowly went up to his bed as you grinned his pelvis gently with your waist and he moaned.

"M-Mistress Y/N...g-give m-me m-more~I-I need it so bad~"

Wait!?Did he just called you "mistress"in his sleep and he...begged?!Welp!He's definitely having a wet dream about you right now.You covered his eyes with a blindfold and chained his hands and legs up to each edge of the bed.You snapped a collar around his neck and lifted up his shirt with lustful eyes.

"I wonder how long will he be still asleep when I do this to him~"

You rubbed his ribcage roughly and grinned him faster then he arched his back in pleasure.He let his tongue out of his mouth as he moaned louder and lounder.


He started to shake in a uncontrollable state and panted deeply.His face was now red all over.You eventually got bored of teasing him and licked his rib bones slowly going up to his neck.He squirmed a little by the sudden change of feeling as he opens his eyes to see you smirking.

"Awww~I see someones got excited to have a good time~"

"W-Wait!?W-Who the hell are you?!And how did you-Ffff-ffaaaa-aaaahhhhh~!"

You cut him off by rubbing his crotch gently and bit his collar bone deeply.

"Oh my sweet little skeleton.How could you not know your innocent little angel?"

"Wh-What are you t-?Wait a minute!Y/N!Is that you?!"

"I thought you would never notice~Heheh~"

"Y/N!Why are you doing this to me?"

"Well...I got bored so I decided to play with you for a while...pet~"

You went inside his shorts and grabbed his hard member as you pumped it fast as you could.


"Yes~!That's it!Moan for me louder~!I'm glad that I made every room sound proff when I bang all of your brains out!"

He panted and moaned in an agonizing pleasure as he let out his juices to your hand.You licked everything clean and took his blindfold off.

"Hmmm?Tired already?And I thought Underfellers were strong and powerful but...I kinda love you being all submissive like that."

You grabbed his spine and rubbed it slowly as you gradually picked up speed.He again arched his back in pleasure and he began to pant heavily like a dog.


"Heheheheh~Let me do something interesting~"

You let go of his spine and when on top of him.You always wanted to be the dominating one in sex and dang!You almost feel him tremble in anticipation.You pulled down his shorts and slid down your clit in his member as he moaned softly.

"Do you want me to go soft or hard?Its unfair for you if I can't let you decide what do to."


"Okay but you have to call me Mistress and beg while we do this.I won't move until you do."

He grabbed the sheets tights as he bit his lips(eventhough he hasn't have any)and closed his eye sockets with red blush completely covering his face.

"M-Mistress~I beg you...p-please...f-fuck me..."

Without thinking at all,you pounded him down to the bed and he screamed in pleasure.You didn't care if you needed to adjust to his size and waited for it.You were horny as hell due to the effects of the potion and you didn't feel any pain at all.You went hard and fast like a pile-driver smashing into the concrete rock.His legs started to shake from the strong impact as he cummed.

"Eh?Cumming already?I didn't expecting you to be so sensitive~"

You again thrusted into to him harder and faster in inhuman speeds after he released.You know the fact that he was going to go all limp and wobbly when your done but you ignored the thought of it.

"Heheheh~Giving up already I see?Well...I'm getting tired now...I'll finish this with one... final...thrust..."

You finished him as he cummed for the second time.You slowly removed your clit from his member and licked off the remains.

"I think I'm done here.I'll let you rest for a while.See you later~"

You grabbed your skirt and panties wearing them again as you gave Fell a kiss on the cheek before leaving.You exited the room slowly closing the door.


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