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Don't be pissed.

This is a short chapter, and I know.

I'm coming back :)


"Who are you?" Chat asked as he started at the boy in front of him. He looked so calm, it was surprising for a boy that age.

"Someone who was sent to kill you." With that, Chat was flown almost across the street. Chat was mad as it is, and he wasn't really in the mood for dealing with a stupid senile kid right now. He tried to jump at him, but the boy dodged him by moving a step to the left.

"Who sent you to kill me? What have I done to anyone?" Chat looked down at the ground. "Besides Marinette..."

"Don't you ever think?" Adrien looked up, his Plagg was flying next to his face. He looked behind Plagg to see that the boy had disappeared yet again.

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