Chapter 19: The Blame Game

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Chapter 19

      My instincts immediately want to discover the scenario happening since the origin of the opened door is from Acacia's room. There is still a small thin crack cealing a dark room. My feet automatically move to the door and take a step outside.
      Walking barefoot without any shoes or slippers across the wooden floor as my eyes wary and my body tenses up. My mind is alert and cautious about every soul or object around me. My canine ears appear at the top of my head twisting around to increase my sense of any sound or noise made. The black shade of the fur blends in perfectly with my black hair portion. It's called the advantage of being part werewolf.
      Shoes with a hard material pressed on the floor repeatedly which reminds me of boots. Striding into that direction which I realize to be the library. A faint shadow disappeared into the library closure and my head ever so slightly peaks in. A sigh of relief washes over me when the figure turns out to be just Acacia. Her eyes dart to me and she places a hand over her chest to puff off air.
      "Gosh, I thought you were someone else." Then she continues asking, "can't sleep?"
      I nod as a reply. Both of us turn our head when we heard a light snore. Quenis's head is bent down covered by her arms with her eyes closed. She looks peaceful. "I was going to get my ear piece since I left it here," Acacia explains, lifting up the small piece of telecommunication technology that we use. "Let's leave her for now," my voice naturally turns into a whisper with no intention of waking up Quenis up, however when she shifts a little, it nearly freaks both of us out.
      She returns back to her room a while ago and after a few hours passed of just roaming around and pacing. The sun peaks out from the horizon as its rays of light coat everything in its path with a thin layer of yellow, but still too early for anyone to wake up. Or maybe I was wrong.
      "Oh my gosh, I think there's a spy here from the other organization...," a teen trainee with dark green peripherals and dark brown colored hair whispers to her friend the exact hair, but blue eyes darker than Quenis's. Although my wolf ears bent down to completely blend in with the rest of my black hair, my sense of hearing is still as sharp as a sharpened knife. As I eavesdrop this message, they were walking pass; however, my hand reaches out to grab tight the collar of the brunette girl making her almost fall backwards, but she's quick back to her feet. Both of them whip their head to me and they don't look pleased by sudden action.
     "What do you want?" Her friend grunts in frustration as my grip on her collar loosens and she thrusts out of my grip and take her stance next to her friend.
      "A spy? Here? Where did you get that info from?" I maintain my flat tone and blank expression. "Why should we even tell you?" The teen trainees say in a deep and raised voice. I am not known to be very patient, but I'm famed to have a remarkable temper, so for her sake and health, she'd better not test that. "Just answer the damn question. I have already figure out 20 ways to kill both of you without the need to move from my spot."
      She gulps down the lump in her throat and her friend stares directly into my eyes which from the reflection of her eyes, I realized that the color pigment of my orbs might have changed to a red shade unconsciously.
      My head turns to the side for a short moment and my eyes glue shut to calm down my nerves. "We just saw someone talking to another person outside the base last night and that person had the logo of the you-know organization tattoo at their arm," she starts to spit the details with the mind hoping that my features stop representing rage.
"Do you recognize that person?" Cooling off the steam from my brain.
Both of their heads shake vigorously and with that, I swiftly walk away from their frightened expressions.
'Who could that be? An ambush, a message, then a spy... What the hell do they want?' Being in deep thought, blinding my sight, almost bumped into Derek.
"Lyanna?" He says, but my mouth refuses to be verbal so instead I raised a questioning eyebrow at him. He reads my wariness like an opened book and steps aside to give way for me to pass by with him tailing behind. My breathing pattern steadies, my steps becomes more even; however, I know very well that this is just a cover up for all the bombarded questions and theories that lead nowhere which had no logic in the end.
"We're here," his words awoke my mind to snap itself out of its inner arguments. The wooden carved door swings open to see concerned faces right in front of me and I have a guess. "Rumors travel fast, don't they?" You could sense the tensed atmosphere being sliced by my choice of phrase. "It does," Lucas answers me with no sign of hesitation, but I wish there was. Almost everyone shot me a very suspicious look, burning a hole through my body. "We have some guesses," Travorson voices, leaning his back into the sofa. My instincts and observations travel have a higher velocity than those rumors.
"So, you guys suspected that it's either me or Acacia?" Acacia, sitting awkwardly, turns her view to me including everyone else as well. "Lyanna..." I respect the attempt from Quenis to smooth out the situation; however, she should put more effort into it. "Politeness gone into the pit of the trash please. I was right, wasn't I?" My arms cross themselves, as I observe closely each and every movement in their faces. "But, we were at the library. If Quenis woke up, she could have seen us," Acacia explains, but of course, that's not enough. Quenis's blank expression, laced with doubt since the fact that 'she didn't wake up' comes up higher than Acacia's statement.
I left out a pathetic laugh and tell Acacia, " it's so cute if you think they would believe a word that you just said." The truth of the matter is that the birth nature of everyone is even if there is an evidence right in front of their noses, but if it's not to their personal convenience, no one wouldn't want to be in the spotlight.
My brain mentally sigh in disbelief and thought, ' the blame game is so fun, huh?'
"Look, there's no proof-" Derek makes another ridicule try at reconciling all of us, but almost lightning speed, I cut him off," haha, oh shut it. This conversation has no point, does it?"
I escape them by slamming the door to my room. Standing in the dark-lit room,
'So, they think they can just sit there and blame me then cut me out? Not if I do that first..." My mind echoes then a sinister-like smile spreads across my face.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Oct 16, 2017 ⏰

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