Chapter 18: Beware

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Chapter 18

Blinded by a crowd of black-colored clothing gears with splashes of bizarre colors for hair or eyes. Pushing through the gridlock of people by force, colliding shoulder to shoulder made an impact to some knowing that anger starts to plaster as their expressions, but I was never famed as a person who cares as my elbow drives into the side of a stomach.
A girl, predicted to be have a younger age than me, also pushes through successfully to face the horror beginning to spread across her face. Color begins to evaporate off her face, making her goldish eyes mesmerizing with the complementary golden-brown short-length hair, dropping down to her knees.
The corpse's blood still freshly flowing, covering the marbled floor. Their physical features shares similarities to each other, in addition with her immediate reaction, confirms my suspicion that they might somehow be related.
The room is absorbed by silence as pupils from all over narrow down to the quivering lips of the girl, tears glazed her visions until she does not have the ability to refrain herself any longer. She glides closer to the lifeless frame of her brother, sliding into his blood, her head lowers down to conceal her tear-stained face.
"Why?... You promised me that you will look after me... Have a better future for both of us than just war... How could you?..."
Her monologue has puncture the composure of the crowd as they can feel her resonating sadness and lost. The girl has broken down, sobbing into her brother's bloodied chest.
While my eyes examines the body from a reasonable distance, Derek yells out, "what happened here?!"
The girl was too dumbfounded and devastated by the scene to even manage a word, a few trainees takes a few steps into our premises with visible wounds on them, their heads low. "We were.. outside," speaks the blacked-hair guy with an injured foot.
"Outside the barrier? At night? Are you lunatics?! We all know not to approach the outside when night falls especially unsupervised trainees!" Derek purposely stresses the word 'trainees' to prove a point.
"We were foolishly hanging around and then bumped into a gang...," the room shifts in aura, " they were also trained and out-skilled us. They also seem to be looking for someone."
Rage has disguised itself as Derek's current mood, but he spits out calmly," the medic will get you guys fixed and I'll get someone to take care of him..."
Another trainee comes in to comfort the girl whose tears puddled with a bright red face. Medical assistance in the usual white uniforms enters to guide the injured to the infirmary.
Quenis hooks her arm with mine while her other palm grips onto Acacia's shirt to drag us out of the scene. Along with Travorson and Lucas trailing close behind in the direction of the dorm in complete silence.
With my level of experience and having a fair share of witnessing deaths or be the cause of them, something about the girl's devastating state really makes my mouth go dry and my expression stunted. Quenis forced me to sit down onto one of the sofas by our intertwined arms.
"Look, I know that what just happened was extremely unfortunate... But, when the body was being taken, a piece of paper fell down from his inside pocket," Quenis directs our direction to the paper now being shown to us. It was dirtied with blood and crumbled where her fingers unfold then her eyes just blankly stare at it. She gulps down the lump in her throat, " be prepared. We are going to take back what's ours now. Beware beware."
"What does that supposed to mean?" Travorson questions.
"Is it an object?" Acacia follows another question right after.
My mouth refuses to voice any of my opinion on that matter and my mind is just a mess of many thoughts mashed up together which results in plain confusion. "It has a million chances to be anything, so that's too broad," Lucas respond smoothly to Acacia which she just conjures an 'oh' expression on her face. "I'm sad to say that I have no clue either. Must be something very valuable that might have been taken from them a long time ago and now they want it back..."
Although no one stated that this anonymous note originates from the other organization, their signature stamp clearly specifies this. Everyone is deep in thought, clawing out any information that may be a possible guess. The wheels ticking in our heads is immediately stopped dead in its track by the appearance of Derek. Clearly in the state of frustration, he still says, "okay, this is not the ideal evening before a trip, but our objective will stay the same."
     Everyone stay in a submissive state to his plans since none of us in the condition for any contradiction or argument to happen.
     So, we all dismiss to out respective rooms as my door closes shut the scene that will await for tomorrow. Instead of going to deep slumber and rejuvenating all the energy I can absorb for the upcoming trip, my mind can't seem to be turned off and it roams over to the memory of the note...
      Spread out on the mattress with eyes as wide as an owl at night, staring in the darkness to the ceiling. "I wonder what they're talking about...," I thought. Time ticks by so quickly that I hardly realized it's way past midnight. A sigh is let out before my disappearance to the washroom.
      Steam escapes as the bathroom door, fully dressed in a new set gear instead of pajamas with a white towel tucked under my arm. Feeling somewhat refreshed and my throat was as dry as a desert crying for a droplet of water. My feet automatically drag my entire body to the kitchen. While bending down to grab a bottle of water, my small figure was hidden by the counter then a creak of a door is heard. Coming to a conclusion of someone also trying to satisfy their thirst in late hours, too.
      However, chirps of crickets is played out in my head since no one seem to be approaching the fridge at all. With a bottle of water in my hand, my legs straighten to stand. Just in time to catch a glimpse of a faint shadow of a person leaving the dorm. My eyes ran over the crack opened door and walk over to close it then thought, "who was that?"

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