Chapter 16: A Plan Decided

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Chapter 16

A incredibly irritating sound rings through the room as I thought that even the birds locating right outside my window could hear it. My face lays at its side to the pillow as I lay onto the bed flat on my stomach. My bangs mess up my field of vision including the blurriness that comes with sleep.
I let out a low growl as my sight lies upon my ear piece placed on the bedside table by myself last night rings. After my eyes have been rubbed off the sleepiness of them, I force myself to sit up on the mattress. Placing the ear piece onto my ear with the wanting of knowing what is happening, so pressing the button on top commands that. "Rise and shine." A voice says which I soon identity to be Acacia's. "Does she wake up late every day?" Travorson's question that I can hear from the background faintly. Before she could speak another word, I mention," I'll be right out." Before I hang up the call and force my body to go to the bathroom and freshen up.
After I do so, as I immediately open the door, Lucas says," oh great, the sleeping wolf is here." Quenis chuckles at this remark, but it turns to a confused one when I say," angel boy." A realization hits that Derek is here since after I say this, he peaks his head out at the kitchen. "How did you-" Lucas is mid sentenced when I speak up," I heard a rumor behind the walls and also I have my ways." Saying this in the means of actually saying that I heard people talk about him in the hallway when I pass by. Still in the living room, I decide to plop down onto the couch and settle myself for the upcoming work that we might have.
"Hey Quenis, how come vampires don't burn in the sunlight?" Lucas sparks a question that immediately caught Quenis's attention. "You watch too much movies." This statement comes from Acacia entering the living room with a cup of coffee in her hand. "Actually, it does hurt us. However, I have a type of lotion that protects me from that for the whole day which I apply every morning," graciously explain by Quenis which they made an ohh face and nod. "Lyanna, you don't want to have breakfast?" Travorson says, standing next to Acacia. "I'll pass." He makes a surprised expression and asks," you turn down breakfast?!" I let out a sigh and I say, "unless you want to be my breakfast then I'll skip for now." He looks a bit angry but then it quickly fades as everyone break into laughter. "You can't work on an empty stomach," says Derek who also joining the conversation.
"Thanks for the concern, but yes I can. So, what are we doing today?" I change the topic since the avoidance of a topic about myself, I would like to ignore. "Well, first we have to tap on the some of the sources disappearances." Derek says. "Some have vanished according to the pass record of location around the borders; however, that's not so surprising. But, as they have started to mysteriously just roam around across the radar as we send the sources, they seems to not return appearing to attempting to hide their location and whatever that they are looking for," all this came from Quenis which puts a shocked look on everyone's face. "How did you know that?" Derek surprisingly asks her with slightly wide eyed. "I did my research and gathering some info instead of just waiting for you to do so," she proudly answers, clearly expressed on her face. "Wait, they're finding something? What?" Lucas asks. "That's the information that I didn't get," Quenis eyes Derek while saying this which he just shrugs which signals that he is also unsure. "If we could locate it then, we might have a lead on where they will be," Travorson says, thinking hard as he arches his eyebrows. "Well, we do have the nearest pinpoint to where they are until the radar can't detect it anymore. We could start from there," Acacia suggests which is not bad. The thought of that idea is not stirring into a bad direction, so we all nod in agreement.
      "But, where is that pinpoint?" Lucas raises a question that's burning through my mind. Quenis looks like she's thinking hard as her eyebrows are brought together then she snaps her fingers signaling that she figured it out. "The small town of Marline which is near that forest that Lyanna likes to visit a lot, but on the other side of it." My face gets lighter with slight excitement from that, but my thoughts were somewhere else that I didn't quite get that. "So, how are we getting there?" Acacia sits down on the empty opposite end of the sofa and set her cup down on the coffee table. "We could take a car because I don't think a train would take us there since it's so remote and small," Derek says. "I heard that some of locals don't support modern equipment." Travorson presents a point that should be noted. "Fine, how about horses?" I suggest which after only silence and listening that came from me in this conversation. "Yeah, we do have a horse stable just for additional choices for these kind of places and they probably don't have fuel for a car anyways," Quenis agrees with me, but Acacia looks questioning. "Horses? I can't ride them," she says and looking away. "It'll be fine. I'm sure that someone can teach you," Quenis politely phrases out, hoping to comfort her of not thinking that she's left out on this.
      "I can," Travorson volunteers which Acacia looks surprised for a second until she gives in and turns her head to the side. "I have no desire to say this, but we don't have the proper permission to use the horses at the moment," Derek says which causes my slight grin to alter into a frown. Slumping to the back of the chair, feeling rather disappointed, but we can improvise. "Walking?" Immediately after I suggests this, everyone looks at me like I ask for world destruction. "Are you kidding? The distance is quite a range." Lucas adds as I raise an eyebrow. "Most of us are very athletic here since we are warriors. It's a crucial requirement to be as fit as possible. Unless you have a better idea then spill it." I state whatever that in my consideration to be true.
Lucas glares at me as I do the same, but a moment of that is lost when Quenis says, "yeah, maybe you're right. It's the best option we have and also we could stop if anyone gets too tired on the journey. With the sense that most of us won't make it there in just one day." She lies her line of sight to me as I whip my head to stare at the window with my ears sensitive to any new information. "Then it's decided. We'll leave as soon as our time for preparation ends," Derek confirms and everyone nods for confirmation and agreement.
Placing the tips of my fingers to my temples, thinking that nothing could go wrong. Or did I just speak too soon.

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