Boring Waitress, Annoying Boss, Perky Roommate,and a World Famous Band.

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"Tables 10, 7, and 2!" The chef taps the mini bell twice catching Roxanne's attention.

She takes off one earbuds going for her plates on the tray heading around the counter quickly walking to each table, giving the fake smile she's been giving to every customer today, and every other day. She hands plates to the single mother with the polite three year old boy getting an excited little shriek seeing his food causing Roxanne to giggle. She goes on to the older couple that are always there, the older woman constantly calls her "Roxy dear" and gives her butterscotch candy. Then to the three teenager that are always laughing about something. Roxanne flips the tray under her arm walking past Courtney,her coworker and roommate, taking orders from a pregnant woman. Courtney goes back to her seat behind the counter taping her fingers on the table to the beat of her music. Courtney comes by taking a long sigh.

"Long order?" Roxanne smirks knowing very well that she did get a long order.

"Yep, pregnant women scare me, I wouldn't dare question one for as long as  I live." Suddenly the woman began to cry, Roxanne and Courtney cringed, the woman spilled her water. Courtney quickly runs to the woman.

"Roxy dear!" calls the older woman. Roxanne casually walks over to the table.

"Yes ma'am?" Roxanne asks.

"We'd like our check dear."

"We'd like our check."

"Sure thing." Roxanne goes back to the counter searching for the check. she comes back with it and goes to give the other tables their checks too. She goes in a circle of going to put the money in the register saying goodbye and handing back credit cards. Suddenly a car pulls up in the parking lot. Courtney gasps running to the counter nearly tripping over her own feet as she frantically taps on the bell four times. Roxanne's eyes widened and Courtney tries to go back to her tables before the man came in. He walks past everyone and to the register opening it shaking his head in a disapproval. Roxanne rolls her eyes in annoyance causing her customers to giggle. Once Roxanne and Courtney went to go give their orders to the chef the man calls them.

"You two come here, now." He scolds, this man is the man they dread seeing, their boss.

"Why is there only 90 bucks in here? Didn't I tell you I wanted more progress from the two of you?" He crosses his arms in annoyance. Courtney and Roxanne share a look rolling their eyes.

"Business is slow here, you know that this place is no five star restaurant, this isn't Hard Rock Cafe, Olive Garden, Red Lobster, hell this isn't even McDonald's!" Roxanne screams, "This place is a piece of shit, I mean do you really think wed make 200 dollars here?"

"And Another thing, its barely 12 in the afternoon!" Courtney points out.

"What did I tell you about those damn headphones?" He lectures.

"Don't go changing the topic on us!" Courtney stomps her foot.

"Exactly, you're never here. So we have the right to do what we want because we practically run this place. "

What the two girls did not know was the fact that four certain Australian boys walked in sitting in one of the booths watching the show.

"We deserve a raise." Roxanne says crossing her arms flipping her hair out of her face.

"Listen here, Hall." He rolls his shoulders back clenching a fist pointing at her.

"Listen here, Hall." Roxanne mocks, "Don't call me by my last name."

"You two will not get a raise until the two of you get me at least three hundred dollars in this register." He slams it shut storming away.

"Yea, Leave! Just go and leave us to do everything, as usual." Roxanne throws her arms out leaning forward as she yells as her boss leaves the restaurant. Suddenly there an uproar of everyone clapping and cheering. Roxanne's eyes widened and she fell into shock realizing who was sitting in her booth. Courtney follows her eyes and squeals like a child. She grabs Roxanne pulling her back into the kitchen.

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