Roxanne Snaps, Hotel Fights, Courtney The Drama Queen

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The bus finally pulled over and everyone scrambles out of the bus, Luke and Courtney walked out hand in hand, Michael and Ashton walked out together discussing whatever those two talked about. Roxanne walked out ahead of Calum and he trailed behind everyone, once they got inside they sat at one large table together. Courtney was all over Luke, you can see he was starting to feel uncomfortable, Roxanne felt tempted to say something but it clearly wasn't any of her business. They fought over the order of the pizza, but after some time they got enough for everyone to be pleased. Ashton sat beside Roxanne and Calum poor Michael got stuck next to the obnoxious couple. Roxanne glanced at him covering her mouth so it isn't obvious, but he saw her and he points at her then runs his finger across his neck pretending to cut his neck off signalling Roxanne is dead. Once the pizza got there it took up a good amount of the table, Michael and Roxanne's sides were across from one another they shared a look meaning the same thing, eating contest.

"I bet you I will eat more than you." Michael challenges.

"On the contrary my friend, I can definitely eat more than your giant ass." Roxanne fights back.

" Oh it's on, Hall, on the count of three?" He asks.

Roxanne nods, "One."

"Two," Michael reaches for his first slice, Roxanne mocks him.

"Three!" They say in unison ripping pieces of pizza slices shoving them in their mouths. Roxanne and Michael ruthlessly shoves the slices of pizza down their mouths, they get slower and slower with the pieces starting to feel full and unable to quickly swallow it all down. At last they gave up and sunk in their seats, they glance down at the pizza counting their slices. Roxanne had three slices left over, and Michael had five, Roxanne pointed towards Michael quickly sitting up nearly jumping out of her seat shouting.

"I won!" She says, immediately regretting her choices she sunk back in her seat groaning, her eyes felt heavy and her stomach was so full that the moment of triumph made her stomach turn. She closed her eyes whining, resting her head on Ashton's shoulder. Michael shook his head in disagreement.

"Bullshit." He groaned as he sinks in his seat, everyone else ignored them, which was no issue to them, they honestly didn't care. The guards clapped their hands signalling the guys it time to go. Everyone slowly rose from their seats and walk back to the bus Courtney nearly dragged Luke inside the bus who knew she can have such strength to force a man and nearly knock him over. Roxanne sat on the couch with her legs stretched out on the cushions. Roxanne lied there messing with her headphones so she can get to her music. Once she plugs in her phone and the screen lit up, there was a series of endless tweets and Snapchat messages from countless of fans, she tends to forget that even if your friends with someone famous your phone will blow up like theirs do. Although, this time there is a lot more than she normally has, choosing to ignore it she presses play and puts the phone down. She tapped her fingers on her leg, she felt a tap on her shoulder, looking up its Michael pointing out the door signalling it is time to go. Roxanne nods getting off the couch, she grabs her bags and walks out the door. She held on her bags and followed everyone going inside the hotel, stood next to the elevator with the guys and Courtney. She sat there lip singing one if the many of her favorite song that had just begun to play.

"Climbing out the back door, didn't leave a mark  No one knows it's you, Miss Jackson Found another victim But no one's gonna find Miss Jackson, Jackson, Jackson." She lip sang staring at the wall in front of her. She dances in place for a minute before glancing at the guys.

"You put a sour little flavor in my mouth now You move in circles hoping no one's gonna find out But we're so lucky, Kiss the ring and let 'em bow down Looking for the time of your life. A pretty picture but the scenery is so loud, A face like heaven catching lighting in your nightgown, But back away from the water, babe, you might drown The party isn't over tonight." She kept on with the rest of the song on her way to her hotel room, she kept singing as her music went down, she was so pumped with the music. Once she finished she threw herself on her mattress and decided to check her social media which continued to keep beeping on her phone. She clicked twitter and clicked one of the mentioned tweets, she scrolled up looking confused. Once she saw the tweet that started it, her eyes widened and she jumped up from the bed.

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