Hunter ,Traffic, And Trying Each Others Clothes.

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Hunter kept texting Roxanne, she regrets never changing her number, Roxanne answered his texts only for him to end up calling her.

"Hello?" She questions answering the phone call.

"Hey foxy Roxy." He says she can almost see him smiling.

"Don't call me that." She felt uncomfortable with that name, he use to call her that all the time and it's what she loved from that and his dorky personality and his knowledge of technology. His stupid hair that she use to run her hands through how it is so soft no matter how he cut it. His stupid smile that never failed to make her heart skip a beat, his wink that made her melt. Maybe that's why he cheated, so many other girls could fall for his stupidly attractive self, that's right Roxanne left him for cheating on her, so why is she thinking of everything she loved about him.

"Roxanne?" She heard his voice through the phone, "you okay? "

"What? Oh yea, I'm fine." Roxanne falls back to her senses, "So what made you call after all this time?"

"I-I know it has been a while, and- how are you?" He's still the awkward boy she loved.

"I'm doing well, how are you and Beatrice?" She asks.

"Oh, right Beatrice," he hesitated, "about her, she left me for some other guy and went to another country or something like that."

"Oh so she left you huh? You suck with girlfriends." Roxanne let the words slip from her mouth although she did not regret a single letter.

"Yea, you are so right." He says.

"So what made you call me?" Roxanne asks.

"I miss you, and I was wondering if you'd want to meet up?" He asks.

"Um, I can't." Roxanne says.

"Why not?" He asks.

"I'm not home, I'll be out of town pretty much the whole summer." Roxanne says biting her lip.

"Oh, family road trip?" he asks, Roxanne looks at the guys in between the cracks of the doors where they played video games and ate snacks.

"Uh, you can say that, yes." Roxanne says.

"That's nice." He says.

"Yea," Roxanne picks on the curtain of the bunk, there was an awkward tension over the line.

"You know I still love y-." Roxanne hung up before he can finish the sentence, it may not be about her, but she isn't taking any risks. She walked to the other room, her mind was racing and she was freaking out. She sat down staring out the window not knowing that to feel.

"Whoa, Roxanne you look like you saw a ghost what happened?" asks Luke staring at Roxanne.

"My ex called me." She says not taking her eyes off of the window. Calum, Ashton, and Michael turned to her ignoring the game.

"This story isn't starting off too well." Calum says.

"He said he misses me."Roxanne looks down at her feet.

"Uh oh."Ashton says.

"He asked if we can meet up."

"What did you say?" asks Calum.

"I told him no, I won't be home for a long while." Roxanne restates what she told Hunter.

"And?" Michael pushes.

"I'm pretty sure he said he still loves me, I don't know."

"You don't know?" asks Luke confused.

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