Courtney's Customer, Radio Interview, It's Not Over Yet

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Courtney stepped into the diner immediately greeted by the customer she had just two days ago. He looked up from the menu he was looking at making eye contact with her. Instinctively, she blushes. He slides from his seat, he still wore the leather jacket, this time Courtney got a whiff of his cologne. She was speechless for a split second. Once he was nearly a foot away, she stared deep into his eyes.

"Told you I'd be back." He says cockily.

"Yes, you did." Courtney flips her hair putting her head on an angle with a small smile.

"I never got your name, " He says.

"I'm Courtney." She says.

"Desmond." He replies.

"Well, Desmond, if you give me a second, I'll get right to you I hope you know what you want."

"Already do," He says. Courtney raises an eyebrow, "you."

"Hmm, not in the diner." She walks away, she goes behind the counter in the kitchen to clock in for her shift. When she comes out she heads straight for Desmond's table. He stayed for most of her shift, actually he stayed for her entire shift. Courtney tended to the others but never failed to annoy them with the other customers. He always came at least once a week for every shift. He started coming more often almost like two or three time a week. Then finally, Desmond asked her out on a date.

"How about you and I go out tonight?" He asks.

"Sounds good." Courtney agreed.

"Meet you here?"

"Sure." She agrees.

"Hello Listeners, I'm your host Georgia Grace, and I'm here with the boys of 5 Seconds of Summer. Hello, boys!" The radio announcer introduces.

"Hello! Hey! Hi! What's up?" The guys say together, Roxanne was listening from the hotel off of her phone.

"So, tell me boys, how's the tour life?" She asks.

"Not bad, the fans are great!" Calum answers.

"What's the highlight?" She asks.

"I don't know." The guys rocked back and forth in their seats unsure of what to do.

"Now, I hate to do this, but I feel this is important," Roxanne felt a lump in her throat, the guys began to panic unsure of where this is heading.

"I see there is this drama going around, and I see that you boys are desperately trying to clear it up and I want to hear it from you guys right here, right now."

"I see this thing about Luke cheating on Courtney with Roxanne, and Roxanne is dating Calum? What exactly is going on here?"

"Okay, so from the start?" asks Ashton.

"Yes." She says.

"Okay so, one day we were just playing in the bus not really doing much. So Roxanne fell on her back, and one of us I forgot who pushed Calum, I think."

"So I fell, and I tried to stop myself from hitting the ground because I would've landed on Roxanne, that's why her hand was on my chest she was trying to stop me too."

"So that is how that picture was created?"

"Courtney was trying to make a harmless joke that escalated." Luke defends, Roxanne roles her eyes.

"What about the whole cheating bit?"

"Fake." Calum says quickly.

"So everything is a lie?"

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