Revisiting, Free Concert Tickets, and Passes to be Backstage

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"Roxanne, wake your lazy ass up! We're running late." Courtney slams her hand on Roxanne's door causing the hinges to shake.

"Get your big ass bear paw off my door before you break it!" Roxanne screams back at her holding her pillow down on her lap.

"Well if you wake up your lazy ass, I wouldn't have to use my big ass bear paw!" she gives the door one last slam before leaving her alone.

Roxanne mumbles under her breath as she frees herself from the mess of blankets she is in and searches for clean uniform. After getting dress she goes to close her window, she kicks a bunch of clothes out of the way to open her door. Courtney stood by the door tapping her foot impatiently.

"It's about damn time, you are so slow." she groans.

"Sorry mother," Roxanne rolls her eyes in annoyance.

Courtney twirls her keys around her finger as they walk down the stairs. Courtney quickly jogs down the stairs in her heels.

"Slow down, you're gonna fall down with those heels." Roxanne says wrapping her charger up to put in her pocket with her phone and headphones.

"Well, if you would've waken up on time, I wouldn't be ru-." Roxanne watches as Courtney's heel gets stuck in one of the cracks of the steps causing her upper body to go forward tumbling down the stairs. Roxanne bursts out into laughter not even trying to hide it, she takes a seat on the steps holding onto the railing as she sits there laughing at her friends stupidity.

"I told you!" Roxanne calls out.

"Shut up and help me up!" Courtney whines in pain. Roxanne slowly rises from the ground walking over to her roommate to help her up as she takes the heel out from the cracks in the step, she gives Courtney a boost handing her the heel.

"Now we're really late." Courtney whines.

"I warned you." Roxanne sasses.

"And I told you to get up early."

"Oh, big whoop our job sucks why should we try to show up on time?" Roxanne sighs and going down the stairs leading Courtney to her car. Roxanne sits in the passenger seat as Courtney slowly walks to her car grunting in pain.

"Quit whining old lady, you're fine."

"Can't you say anything nice for once in your life?" Courtney complains as she drives.

"Nah, whats the fun in that?"

"You're something else." Courtney rolls her eyes.

"You love me for it." Roxanne smirks as Courtney turns the corner.

Finally they arrived at work and once they open the door they see their boss, his arms were crossed and he was leaning against the counter.

"You're late!" He lectures.

"And you're actually here!" Roxanne gasps.

"Enough with the attitude, Hall you're really pushing my buttons."

"Suck it, Emmett." She pushes past him heading to the kitchen.

"Excuse me!" he lectures.

"Oh go and hide in your little home away from the diner you so call own, as usual." she sasses pushing past the kitchen doors earning a laugh from the chef.

"Hall! I'm in charge of your pay checks!"

"Good, how about a little raise?" She asks coming out wrapping an apron around her waist tossing another one to Courtney.

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