Jamming Out, Writing Songs, and a Flirty Customer.

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Roxanne lies on the floor of the studio listening to her music. She tapped her feet on the floor and her fingers on her stomach. She kept her eyes closed, the guys watched her lying there, their instruments at hand. She didn't see them, she just kept to herself. The guys smirked watching the intensity radiating off her, who even knows what runs through that girls mind. Roxanne was so drawn into her music, it was like she fell into a trance and the music has become apart of her bloodstream. They can faintly hear the distant sound of the guitar and drums.

Michael glances at his band mates, "I wanna kick her so bad."

"K-kick her!" Calum gasps.

"You're not kicking her!" Ashton defends.

"Come on! She's an easy target!"

"You're not kicking her!" Calum says.

"I'm going to do it!" He says stepping forward to her.

Ashton gave in and went to the other side of her body. The two of them counted to three before nudging her with their foot. She leaps from her position ripping the headphones from her ears as her phone flips across the room. Michael and Ashton fell back laughing as hard as they can. Calum lost it too.

"You sons of bitches, scared me shitless, you assholes! Don't do that shit, damn mother flower jackass!"Roxanne heaves lying back down on the floor this time covering her eyes with her hands.

"Where are my headphones?" She asks searching the room, she crawls for the headphones, once they're in her hand she gets up to go get her phone that is near Ashton's drum set.

"You should've seen your face!"

"Shut up." She defends, "You do not interrupt my music, jerks!" Roxanne checks her phone to make sure it's fine. She shoves it in her pocket once she checks. She also put away her headphones.

"Yes, your highness." Ashton bows mockingly.

"I'm not Courtney," She smiles turning her head on an angle with a smirk on her face.

"Speaking of Courtney, did the queen depart to her home yet?" asks Ashton.

"Yea, actually, she left making a scene she screamed she never wanted to see my ungrateful ass, I don't lover her, never call or text again. Then when she got to the airport when she landed she said she misses me already and that she hopes to hear from me soon." Roxanne rolls her eyes at her best friends childish behavior.

"That's Courtney for you." She sighs.

"Didn't you say you grew up together?"

"Yes," Roxanne nods.

"How'd you deal with her so well?"

"Honestly, I don't know, she's getting strangely worse than how I knew her." She stood there staring off in the distance thinking, "then again the friends I grew up with ended up with strange and harsh attitudes." She shrugged. The guys fell silent.

"So you're saying we're like that?" Ashton lightens the subject faking offense.

"No!" Roxanne giggles. She goes to hug him.

"No, No, too late. Too late." He puts his hand out to block her.

"Ashton!" She whines trying to find way to go hug him.

"Nope!" He dramatically looks away from her.

"Rude!" She smacks his hand.

"Oww!" He shakes his arm holding it close to him, "how are you so frigging strong!"

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