Diner Fight, Fired, Hotel Night.

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"They what!" Courtney gasps.

"They invited me to go on tour with them." Roxanne says wiping down the table.

"Did you say yes?" Courtney asks jumping in place.

"I said I'll think about it." Roxanne shrugs before going to the next table.

Courtney groans marching towards Roxanne, "You do not say I'll think about it! You say yes!"

"They don't know me like that," Roxanne says quickly turning her face to face Courtney.

"Come on!" Courtney pleads.

"Not everyone is you Court." Roxanne says spraying down the table before wiping it down.

"Give me a reason not to." Courtney crosses her arms flipping her hair over her shoulder turning her head to the side.

"Fine, number one I'll have to end up quitting my job because I won't be gone for two days." Roxanne explains.

"So, you've been wanting to get out of here since you started working here." Courtney points out waving to the whole place.

"Number two, you'll be in the apartment alone and I know you hate that." Roxanne says

"Yea but I can learn to live with that." Courtney says feeling unsure.

"No you won't."

"Look, you'll be coming back." Courtney says flipping her hair again.

"Number three, How are you going to pay rent with one less pay check."

"I'll wing it, come on enough with the excuses, this is an opportunity you do not skip!" Roxanne pleads.

"I'm going to still think about, "Roxanne says going to the kitchen to put the cleaning supplies back where they belonged.

"Hall, you didn't clean right." She heard the one voice she dreads hearing the man she wishes she can just punch she really did not feel like dealing with him.

"Really?" She says faking being shocked.

"You left stains here, water marks here, and wipe marks there."

"Explain to me how that is wrong?" Roxanne crosses her arms in annoyance.

"It isn't done correctly so it is still dirty." He says

"Still dirty? Still dirty?I'll show you still dirty." She turns and grabs the spaghetti pate from Lilac and throws it at the table causing the sauce and noodles to fly all over the tables hitting the walls , the seats even the window above it.

"That's dirty." Roxanne sasses. He opens his mouth to speak, "No, no you stay quiet because if I don't clean right, then you do it bitch!" She storms off before going to tend to the older woman that is her best customer.

"I am so sorry you had to see that ma'am, how can I help you?"

"Oh no dear, you do not need someone to tell you how to do your work you are great." Roxanne smiles at her sweet words.

"Thank you." She smiles.

"Can I get water with no ice, the ice bothers my teeth."

"Oh sure thing, should it be cold or room temperature."

"If it isn't any trouble can it be a little cool?" She says sweetly.

"Oh no, it's no issue at all." Roxanne says with a small smile. She goes behind the counter pouring cold water making sure it isn't too cold for the woman.

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