Roxanne Hurts, Courtney's Pregnancy, Luke Knows

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Roxanne took a deep breath with the sharp piece of glass in the palm of her hand. She places it on her wrist, she sighed taking it away from her wrist. She dropped herself down to the floor lifting her leg up running the glass across her thigh, she ran it back again the same spot for it to work. She took a deep breath feeling tears coming down her face, she closed her eyes running the blade over her thigh once again. She lied down on the bathroom floor on her side, she didn't move, she stared at the lines where the floor connected to the sink and counter. When she got up her body felt sore and when she got up, she stretched her arms out going on her tip-toes cracking her back.

Roxanne went back to her room sitting on the edge of the bed. She felt a small tinge on her thigh, ignoring it she forces herself to get dress and deal with the day ahead of her. Roxanne put on her skinny ripped jeans, a maroon shirt with a phoenix on it, a plaid flannel shirt, and maroon high top converses. Roxanne opens the hotel room door to see if the guys were awake to go eat breakfast. When she walked out of her room she sees Courtney stepping out of a hotel room with Luke.

"Courtney." Roxanne says in disbelief.

"Hey, girl." She says with a smirk. Luke looks away for a quick moment.

"When did you get here?" She asks.

"Last night, I missed you guys so I just had to come see you guys." She says.

"Oh." Roxanne says, "Are the rest of the guys awake yet?" Roxanne asks.

"No idea." Luke shrugs.

"Hey, you're up." Says Ashton coming out of his room.

"Hey, let's get Calum and Michael so we can go get food. " Roxanne says clapping her hands together.

"I'll get Calum, you get Michael." Roxanne points heading to Calum's room.

"Actually," Roxanne turns around stooping herself, "I'll get Michael." She says. She remembering Courtney was there, last thing she needs is for Courtney to add fire to an old flame. Roxanne knocked on the door until Michael sleepily comes to the door.

"What." He whines.

"Stop being lazy you son of a bitch, we're getting breakfast. " She says walking into his room.

"I'm too tired." He groaned.

"Oh, suck it up and get dressed." Roxanne tosses a shirt from the floor at him.

"No, I already wore that one." He grabs it only to let it slip from his hand back onto the floor.

"How was I supposed to know?" She asks.

He took off his shirt searching for a good clean shirt. Once he got a shirt he changed his pants, Roxanne stood against the wall staring down at her converse waiting for him to finish. Once he finished, he walked with her out of the room. Roxanne walked with everyone down the halls. Courtney was all over Luke as usual, but this time Luke contributed to her P.D.A. personal and it was sickening. Luke was smiling holding her close smiling and playing with her hair. Courtney kept playing with his shirt and kissing him. Roxanne rolled her eyes looking away from them, Roxanne and Michael made eye contact with one another making faces of disgust. Roxanne and Michael made faces together and laughed at the fact they had the same reaction. Once they left the elevator everyone got as far away from the obnoxious couple. Everyone went for breakfast serving themselves. Michael and Roxanne fought over certain pieces of food.

"You got four! I barely have one!" Roxanne fights, she elbows him away.

"I'm bigger! I need more food than you!" He argues.

"So! I love food! Give me my food!" Roxanne pushes his arm away and he uses his body to move her. She stumbles over her own feet, she uses her fork to point at him.

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