A Million Texts, Late to Work ,Wendy the Fan, and Invitations to the Tour

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Roxanne woke up lying on a hotel bed alone, she looked around and saw Ashton and Michael on the same mattress fast asleep. She rolled over tugging the blanket closer to her chest covering her body, her eyes widened and she quickly unwrapped herself from the sheets and began searching for her phone to see the time, she found her phone on the night stand next to her with her headphones and charger when did she do that? She grabbed it scrolling through it she saw a bunch of texts from Courtney wondering where she went. The most recent was a reminder of work and that if she didn't come back before noon she'll call the cops, Roxanne sent a text that she is okay and to help make excuses for her in case their boss came to the diner. She grabbed her stuff and tried to quietly leave the room, her leg comes in contact with a suitcase that was lying on the floor, she falls over mentally cursing rubbing her leg. She takes a moment to see if they'd wake up, Michael shifted in his sleep Roxanne cringes in fear of them seeing her. She starts to crawl away slowly heading to the door

"Roxanne?" She heard a voice behind her, slowly she turned to face him. It was a sleepy Ashton standing behind her rubbing his eye and shaking his head trying to wake up.

"Hi Ashton, why are you up?" she asks.

"I could ask you the same thing, I had to pee." He says stepping over her, he stops and turns around looking down at her.

"Why are you on the floor?" He asks.

"I was trying to leave for work and I tripped over this damn suitcase." She waves to the suitcase lifting herself from the ground.

"What time do you start?"

"Eight-thirty."She states.

"What time is it?" He asks.

"Ten-forty." She says looking down at her phone.

His eyes widen, "how are you planning on getting there?"

"Train, why?"

"You'll never make it, I'll drive you."

"Ashton, no."

"Come on, you'll get there faster in a car."

"But I have to go get my uniform."

"All the more reason for me to take you."

She stood there debating with herself for a moment, "Fine." she says as he closes the bathroom door, "but be quick!"

She stood there leaning against the wall waiting for him to finish, she heard the toilet flush and the sink water running, then finally he came out after shutting off the water. He went and got a different shirt, she looked away as he changed pants. Once he finished she and him left the hotel. They left the hotel and went for one of the cars they are normally driven in, but Ashton convinced the guard that protects them to let him drive and he'll be back as soon as he sends her to work. She led him to her address and he waited in the car as she goes and changes in her apartment. She quickly runs down the stairs and back to the car. Ashton was directed to the diner, as they drove the radio was on and one of Roxanne's favorite songs came on and she started singing, Ashton sang with her. Roxanne is not a very good singer yet she is singing with an international band member that has one of the most beautiful voices. Ashton laughed at her dance moves and singing.

"But I don't need no money, As long as I can feel the beat, I don't need no money, As long as I keep dancing." She sang Ashton sang along somewhat dancing as he drives.

"Turn right at the second light." She directs as he dances.

"It's this bui-." She was cut off by Ashton.

"I know which building!" He sasses, "after all I've been there twice."

"And I have been there for two years." She points out.

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