Chapter Two

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Chapter 2: HB: Humungous Bighead

Second Year

"Carlie," somebody called, another voice I recognized without having to turn around. I saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione waving to me from their seats in Florean Flortescue's Ice Cream Parlor. It was such a sudden shock to see so many familiar faces. I was loving every minute of it.

"Hey guys," I said rushing over so happy to see them. Florean Flortescue's smelt heavenly. They each stood up from their seats and quickly hugged me. I sat down on the spare seat. "How were your summers? Wow Ron you look really tan," I laughed, actually it looked like he got loads more of freckles. "Was Egypt nice?" I saw his clipping in the Daily Prophet.

Ron began telling me all about his trip in Egypt and how they got to go into lost muggle Pyramids. They seemed incredible to explore, strangely a few of the pyramids were protected by Wizarding spells, which explains why they're lost. Hermione took a short trip to France with her parents. I then remembered something I wanted to ask Harry. "I overhead someone saying something about you 'blowing up' you're aunt, is that true? I mean did she actually explode?" I asked curiously.


"No, I didn't kill her or anything," Harry said like he had to explain this a lot. "She just blew up like a Balloon and floated away."


"And you weren't expelled for this?" I asked Harry with a laugh in disbelief.


"Nope," Harry responded. "Actually, I was more worried about being arrested." I laughed.

We talked for a bit longer, Hermione was taking more extra classes than Harry, Ron, and I added up. She was even taking Muggle Studies. What was the point of that when your parents are muggles and you grew up the muggle lifestyle? We headed over to the pet shop. A cat attacked Ron and Scabbers ran off, so all of us but Hermione ran after him. Three minutes later Hermione walked out carrying the cat. Its name was Crookshanks and an argument between Ron and Hermione broke out again due to her buying the cat. Finally we headed back to the Leaky Cauldron. "Scars!" Jake called. He was sitting in the lobby. "I didn't think you were going to show up, where did you even go?" he joked.

"Umm," I began to say. "I was just walking around in the stores. I ran into Harry, Ron, and Hermione." I decided not to mention me running into the Malfoy's or wandering down Knockturn alley.

We all ate dinner together. The entire Weasley family joined us. Mr. Weasley told us that the security on Hogwarts was going to be a lot stricter this year and he kept warning Harry to not wander. He also brought up Sirius Black quite a few times and said that the Ministry has had no luck in finding him. After that we all separated and went to our rooms. Jake and the guys had a problem with their reservations and only managed to get one room instead of two. Mrs. Weasley offered for me to stay with Hermione and Ginny. Thankfully they didn't mind. As I fell asleep, I totally forgot that we were going back to Hogwarts tomorrow!

"Carlie, wake up or the train will leave without you!" Hermione was saying. I shot up and looked around. "Wow you sleep like a rock." She laughed. "I've been trying to get you up for fifteen minutes, and you weren't moving. Ginny was about to go get a glass of water." I glanced at Ginny who smiled weakly. I laughed.

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