Chapter Seven

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Disclaimer: This is very, very much like the book. The quotes at the beginning are literally taken right from the book. I could not think of a way that I could possibly wrap up the story while avoiding this crucial moment, I promise that it will pick up again in the next one. For now, enjoy the very Harry Potter-ish chapter!

Chapter 7: Sirius Black.

Second Year

Harry knocked on the large wooden door. Hagrid opened the door up and looked around completely confused. "It's us," Harry whispered. "We're wearing the invisibility cloak."


"You shouldn've come!" Hagrid whispered back, but he stepped aside and let us in anyways. Once we were inside Harry pulled off the invisibility cloak. We barely managed to fit under it. I looked at Hagrid, he wasn't crying or throwing a tantrum. He just looked completely lost. "Cauldron cake?" Hagrid asked, his hands shaking as he held up the tin and not looking at us.


"Where is Buckbeak Hagrid?" Hermione asked him.


"I-I took him outside," Hagrid said. "Thought he oughta smell the fresh air before..." he stopped there looking away.


"Can we do anything Hagrid?" Harry asked him. "Maybe Dumbledore..."


"No..." Hagrid said, "Dumbledore tried. He's got no power ter overrule the Committee. Yeh knew what Lucius Malfoy's like..." Poor Hagrid. I felt horrible for him. "I'll be beside Buckbeak when it happens..." Hermione's eye began to water and tears were streaming down her face, but Hagrid didn't see them. Me, I never cried, much. Maybe once or twice, but it rare, I was extremely good at pushing away my emotions when needed.


"Ron!" Hermione gasped, we all glanced at her. "I-I don't believe it, it's Scabbers!"


"What?" Ron asked. "Scabbers?" Ron walked over towards Hermione and quickly bent down to pick up his rat. "Scabbers!" he said. "I thought you were dead!"


"Looks like somebody owes someone an apology," Hermione said crossing her arms. Ron gripped the squirming rat tightly.


"Yes," Ron replied smartly. "And when I see Crookshanks, I'll tell him."


"I meant me!" Hermione said just as I let out a scream. They all turned to me, but something just nailed me in the back... I wouldn't be surprised if I woke up with a bruise in the morning.


"What the..." I said bending over to pick up a rock.  Then Harry was nailed with a rock in the back of the head. I looked out the window to see where this was coming from, when I saw the Minister, Macnair, and Dumbledore all coming towards the house. "They're coming!" I said.

            "Yeh gotta go!" Hagrid said quickly. "They mustn' find yeh here!" Ron put Scabbers in his pocket and Harry threw the invisibility cloak over all of us.

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