Chapter Three

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Chapter 3: Dementors

Second Year

I knew I was going to be seeing a lot of Dasha and Eowyn this year considering our beds were just a few feet apart from one another. I continued walking down the aisle while trying to keep balance. I passed a compartment that was nearly empty where I spotted Harry, Ron, Hermione, and a strange man. How strange. I opened the door and stepped in to see what they were up to. "Who's that?" I asked curiously.


"Professor Lupin," Hermione answered. "At least that's what it says on his briefcase." I nodded. Taking a seat next to Ron, I probably should have gone and found Jake again but I unfortunately got motion sickness while walking on a train, best if I sat down for a bit.


We talked for a bit longer than I planned, but still had a while to go. The compartment door slid open once more and Draco was standing there with his two goons. When he noticed me there his eyes filled with anger but then he looked away. "I heard you parents got some money this summer Weasel," Draco drawled on. His icy eyes snapped to the sleeping man in the corner. "Who's that?"


"New teacher," Harry said standing up annoyed. "Did you want something Malfoy?" I doubt Draco would do anything too drastic due to the teacher sleeping in the corner.


"C'mon," Draco said to Crabbe and Goyle as he backed out of the compartment, he glared at me once before leaving, I guess he wasn't going to be nicer than he was last year.


The train began coming to a stop right as I stood up to go find Jake. "Wait," I said completely confused. "We can't be there's only been an hour." I looked out the window, we were still somewhere in the mountains. Then all the lights went out and it became so dark that you could barely see anything. "Did we break down? Is that even possible?" It was a magic train...I didn't think 'breaking down' was possible.


"Dunno," Harry replied.


"There's something moving out there..." Ron said in a nervous voice. After hearing that I decided not to start looking for Jake and I sat back down in my seat. The compartment door opened and two people came in and tripped over my legs. 


"Ouch!" I yelled.


"Sorry!" came the voice of a girl and boy. 


"Ginny? Neville?" Harry whispered.


"I came to see what was going on," Neville said. "Do you know?"


"I came to find Ron," Ginny said. "Is he here?" 


"I'm right over here Ginny, " Ron said from one of the corners.


"I'm going to go ask the driver what's happening" Hermione said. I heard her open the compartment door and walk away. It was so dark I could barely see anything.

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