Chapter Five

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Decided to post two chapters tonight! Enjoy x

Chapter 5: More Insults were Thrown than Quaffles.

Second Year

The next morning I woke up to the sound of several footsteps coming down the stairs. I didn't want the entire common room to find out I slept on the couch last night, so I sat up quickly. Then I noticed I had a warm blanket on me. It was a Slytherin one. I glanced around the room as people began coming down the steps. Who put this on me? I looked around and saw people walking down through the common room towards the exit. Draco gave me a smirk and walked out. It must have been him. He was the last one awake. Wow, that was...unexpected.

About a month passed since the start of the school year. I hung around with Jake more than Dasha and Eowyn. They were always with their boyfriends. At first I was really happy and excited for them, now it was just getting a bit annoying. They were nearly obsessed with their boyfriends. I didn't get it. So I let them have their space and when they asked me to hang out with them I would. The Slytherin team started up practicing for Quidditch. The team was hard on me and always found a way to sneak in little insults. It didn't matter though, I loved Quidditch and loved being a chaser! Classes were back to usual, extra homework and extra class work, which only meant extra detention for me.


My thirteenth birthday passed as well. I got some amazing gifts from Silvius and all of my friends at Hogwarts.  It wasn't even the gifts that made me happy, it was the fact that people were actually remembering me. I'm not sure if I could ever get used to it after the way I was treated my first eleven years of life. Yet my birthday fun was cut short during the middle of the Halloween feast. We found out that Sirius Black tried to break into the Gryffindor common room. The Fat Lady who was their entrance had left at the sight of him after he cut through her portrait. The school went into a panic.

We all got called down to the Great Hall. There were over a hundred purple sleeping bags. Did we really have to sleep here? Not to be exclusive but shouldn't the Gryffindor's be the ones sleeping down here? It was their common room that was attacked. It was scary though how Sirius Black somehow managed to get into the castle even with all of the dementors. I felt safe with all of the teachers and other students around me. If Black was still in the castle, I doubt he would come anywhere near Dumbledore. I couldn't help but worry for Harry's sake.

I purposely got a sleeping bag in the corner that night. We still had to sleep by house so that the teachers could keep count of everyone. Dasha and Eowyn were next to me. Draco was a few sleeping bags down from me. "Why are you sleeping near the back door?" he asked me in a confused tone. I noticed that he had Crabbe on one side of him and Goyle on the other, just like body guards.


"Because I don't want to be near people..." I had a problem with sleeping between people, that's why my bed in the dorm was the last one on the end.


"So when Sirius Black breaks in here you'll be the first to die?"


"I'm willing to take that risk," I said turning around and putting my head on the pillow.


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