Chapter Eight

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Only one chapter to go! Can't believe it, I'm working on the next book now. Any suggestions? Should I definitely post it, I don't want to post something that won't get readers! :) Thanks!

Chapter 8: Old friends.

"S-Sirius! R-Remus! My old friends!" Pettigrew squeaked. They both seized him into a tight lock. Pettigrew was denying everything, which made Black even angrier by the second. Lupin was trying to remain calm. I was basically invisible during the conversation. I stayed in the background, just trying to understand what they were saying throughout all the yelling. In the end, Harry agreed to turn Pettigrew into the dementors in order to clear Sirius's name. We all began exiting the Shrieking Shack. Snape was being lifted by magic and following behind us. We could really use Lockhart and his memory charms right about now...Although I was happy Harry discovered the truth, it was likely we were all going to be in big trouble. To my amusement Snape was being banged up against the walls as he was dragged. I tried to listen, but it was hard to hear the conversation between Harry and Black. It was like they've known each other their entire life. Pettigrew was being herded by Lupin. Suddenly, the moment was ruined. The moon was out. "Oh my!" Hermione gasped. "He hasn't taken his potion, he's not safe!"


"Run!" Black yelled turning to us! "Run!" Harry was refusing to move. "RUN, LEAVE IT TO ME!"


My heart froze as Lupin was stretched out and transformed into a werewolf. I backed up into the tree, not knowing what to do. It was one of the scariest moments in my life. During all the commotion, Peter went unnoticed. I watched as he transformed into his rat self. "No!" I yelled, "Someone..." I didn't want to move, it would attract the wolf. I had to try though, I wasn't going to let a stupid fear ruin somebody else's life. I being running towards the spot Pettigrew was. I saw his rat form run towards the Forbidden Forest.


"Carlie!" Hermione was calling behind me.


"I'll get Pettigrew!" I yelled back while still running. I followed Pettigrew into the forest, but his size gave him an advantage. I followed to my best ability, I couldn't keep my eyes on his little frame. No! He was getting away, the sound of the others began to fade. I was alone in the forest. Pettigrew was out of my sight. I allowed myself to collapse on my knees. I let out a small scream, no! He escaped, he was gone right from under my nose. Our evidence was gone. I dropped my wand back where everybody was. I looked up at the sky, what were we going to do? That was when everything began going cold. The puddle next to me began freezing over and my fingers began feeling numb. My eyes widened in fear, oh no...Dementors. I stood up quickly, trying to back away. A large black-cloaked creature flew by me. It wasn't alone, there were hundreds of them...I couldn't scream, couldn't run... They were flying closer to me, one was less than a centimeter away. I was sliding down the tree, feeling tired and drained. My eyelids were shutting, the last thing I remember seeing was a silver doe fly by, and I closed my eyes and allowed myself to fall into a deep sleep.

* * *

Faint screaming and arguing was happening outside the door...where was I? I opened my eyes. So many thoughts were running through my head, what happened to Sirius now that we know he's innocent? What happened to Lupin after he became a werewolf? Did anyone manage to catch Pettigrew? I blinked my eyes before fully opening them. I slowly sat up. I was in the hospital, again. Fabulous, just like last year I woke up in the hospital wing. The last thing I remembered seeing was a flood of dementors and a silver doe fly past me. I saw Hermione and Harry sitting across the room talking to Madame Pomfrey. Ron was dead asleep a few beds over from me with his leg raised. The doors burst open, the minister, Snape, and Dumbledore quickly came into the room. Of course Dumbledore still looked as if he was calm, but Snape was fuming. The Minister just looked confused. They stormed over towards Harry. "OUT WITH IT POTTER!" Snape yelled, what did I miss? I couldn't have missed that much. "WHAT DID YOU DO?" Even I wanted to know what Harry had to say. What did he do?

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