Chapter Four

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I keep very close to the book! So if you recognize a lot of this information, that is why.

Chapter 4: Sharks, Banshees, and Werewolves, Oh my!

Second Year

The next morning we began classes. This year I was actually taking Divination, taught by the wacky Professor Trelawney. I was also taking Care of Magical Creatures, which was luckily taught by Hagrid. I was going to be one of the few second years in a class filled mostly of third years. Divination was a joke class, at least that is what Jake told me. It was my first class of the day and I sat with a few other second years. We practiced reading shapes that were left in our cups after drinking the tea. I noticed that if you told her something negative, she loved you for it. Luckily I went last, I picked up on her liking of 'darkness' quickly and used it to my advantage.


Later on that day, I headed off to Care of Magical Creatures. For once I was excited to go to a class.  Dasha and Eowyn were also taking that class along with their boyfriends. I didn't want to interrupt them so I walked over and stood next to Hermione. It was going to be weird taking a class with them. Care of Magical Creatures was a mixed year class. "Oh hello Carlie," she greeted. "I didn't know you were taking this class, I was just waiting for Harry and Ron to arrive."


"It was a last minute decision," I said with a shrug. "I'm taking this and Divination."


"Divination," Hermione replied in an annoyed tone. "I'm taking that as well, a waste of time if you ask me." With her busy schedule, I wondered why she was even taking it? Or how she was even taking it for that matter.


"Tell me about it." Harry and Ron joined us shortly after that, then Hagrid joined us and he lead us out into the woods. Unforunately, Draco was also in that class and he glared at me once he saw me near Harry again. I didn't understand why it bothered him so much. He hated Harry and clearly hated me, so why didn't it matter if we were friends.


We arrived into the middle of a clearing in the woods. This was much better than sitting in a classroom already. "Now, firs' thing yeh'll wan ter do is open yer books..."


"How?" said the cold voice of Draco. I glanced back at him but looked away. That was a good question because I had no idea how to open this book without getting attacked by it.


"Eh?" said Hagrid. I secured my book with a belt. It was growling at me.


"How do we open our books?" Draco repeated. He held up his copy of The Monster Book of Monsters which was tightly bounded by a rope. Hagrid looked around and noticed that we all had our books bound together somehow.


"Yeh've got ter stroke 'em," Hagrid said and took the book out of Hermione's hands and stroked the spine of it. 


"Oh, how silly we've all been!" Draco sneered. "We should have stroked them! Why didn't we guess to stroke the violent books?"

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