Chapter One

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Hi everyone. So  I finally came up with a title & made a cover for the sequel. BTW, if you haven't read book #1, The Golden Emerald, then you're probably going to be very confused because this is the sequel.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, JK Rowling does. But the characters you do not recognize, those are the ones I created. Don't forget to leave a review!

Chapter 1: The Psychic

Second Year

It's been almost two months since I've left Hogwarts, and these two months have been torture. Just as I imagined, I've been stuck in my room, except for meals, all day. Although this summer I have been getting letters from my friends, but then again they mainly wrote about how amazing their summers has been so far. My extremely intelligent friend, Dasha Scott, wrote in her letter that it was winter in Australia right now, so her family and she took a vacation to Brazil. Now, she has a boyfriend, Zane Kurtis, the Australian boy they sat with on the train. Eowyn said similar things going on in her life. She wrote that it was very rainy in Ireland and she took a few trips to Paris. Eowyn also mentioned that she was now dating Aidan Dwyer, the Irish friend of Zane. How perfect for them right? Not that I'm not happy, I just hate being stuck somewhere for a long period of time. I got a letter from Harry, although it was short and he mentioned he wasn't really allowed to be sending letters. I guess we're both having rotten summers. Hermione wrote to me as well, it was a very long and detailed letter about how she's having a rough time deciding on which classes to take next year. Hermione said that she's extremely sad that we have very few slots. Ron sent a letter with newspaper clipping attached of him and his family in Egypt, apparently they won a trip.

Jacob Ryfeld, my best friend, wrote to me the most. He kept reminding me that I could come stay at any time. Jake was the first friend I made at Hogwarts, he introduced me to Gabe, Cal, and Nico on my first day as well. He's gonna be a fifth year this year and I'm only going to be a second year. I knew it was a big difference but he was like an older brother to me. The age different didn't seem to really bother anyone. What did bother people though was the fact that he's a Gryffindor and I'm a Slytherin. Apparently it wasn't very normal to befriend 'the enemy'. I've broken that law too many times though last year.

I sat back on my small bed, which was really just a mattress on the floor. I looked out the window of the tower and saw the same boring scenery as usual. When a black dot caught my eye, I knew it was Mia! Mia was my black owl I had Silvius buy secretly for me when I got back so that I could send letters to my friends. I had to hide her though because I wasn't allowed to have an owl at home. She lived in the woods outside of my house. Luckily she could come to Hogwarts with me this year and live in the Owlery. I opened my window and Mia flew in carrying the daily Prophet. I subscribed the day I got home so that I didn't loose touch with the wizarding world. "Thanks Mia," I said softly. "I forgot that it was mail day." I scratched her head, gave her some of my leftover food, and she flew off.  I flipped open the paper and read title on the first cover.



Quickly I read the article. This can't be good. A prisoner escaped from Azkaban? Now that's unheard of. I hope it doesn't change anything at Hogwarts. I'm sure people can't 'remain calm' about something like this. Honestly, I don't know a single person who'd remain calm after they've heard there's a murder on the loose! I heard footsteps coming up the stairway. I chucked the Daily Prophet into a hole in my wall and placed the picture in front of it. A few of the stones in the wall loosened and I placed a picture frame over the hole. I kept everything I didn't want them to find in there. I heard pounding on my door. "Scarlett!" Elvira, my thirteen year old sister shouted. "It's dinner time. Hurry up!" I heard her walk back down the stairs. I slowly made my way down the steps, passing a house elf or two on my way. I walked into the kitchen. Now, our kitchen table was meant to hold twenty people, I sat alone at the end of one side while the rest of my family sat at the opposite end. Silvius, my actually kind brother, sat in the middle. A house elf brought a tray over to me.

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