Chapter Six

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I apologize if this is extremely long, but hopefully you like it! I added a flash back here, so hopefully the end of this chapter entertains you!

Chapter 6: Nice Swing Hermione.

Second Year

A few more months passed and things didn't necessarily go up hill. Christmas was as wonderful as it was the year before. Once again Jake, Dasha, and Eowyn went home along with Hermione. Ron was originally planning on going home, but he and his siblings ended up staying last minute. Luckily for me, Draco did go home this year. It was much quieter this year than it was last year. I think most students wanted to go home because of the dementors and Sirius Black's escape. The only other Slytherin students that remained were Theodore Nott and Veronica Mason, but they were older than me.

On Christmas Day I met up with Harry and the Weasley's later on. I was surprised that Ginny and I were starting to somewhat get along. We had a massive snowball fight with everyone and stayed out there until we were numb. Once we couldn't feel out fingers, we went back inside to sit by the Great Hall fire. Harry told me something shocking. He found out that Sirius Black was his that was completely unexpected news. I didn't believe it at first. Apparently Sirius was his father's very best friend. How could he have turned on the Potter's then? This wasn't adding up. 

Much too soon, everyone returned to Hogwarts from their break. It wasn't that I wasn't thrilled to see my friends but it was nice having a break from classes. Draco was back to the way he was last year with ordering me around a lot more. Now he was threatening me with turning me into the professors for sneaking into Hogsmeade. I could never win with him. At least he let up on the homework assignments so that I didn't get detentions for missing my own, but that was only because I would have to miss our Quidditch practice.

With extra practice scheduled and classes starting back up, I didn't have much time to spend with my Gryffindor friends. The only time I got to see the trio was during Care of Magical Creatures. Ron and Hermione weren't talking either, something about Ron's rat being killed? The only person who I ever managed to find was Jake. Harry mysteriously received a Firebolt from an anonymous source, but McGonagall quickly took it away to his dismay. Everyone was extremely jealous of it. I hoped he got it back and secretly hoped he would let me give it a try.

Slytherin's match against Ravenclaw was definitely the best moment so far in the year. Jake, sticking to our bet we made a few months ago, wore my green Slytherin scarf and sat on the Slytherin side. It was probably the only game where people were more focused on the stands than in the game. I couldn't help myself from laughing every time I looked over and saw him glaring up at me. Gabe, Cal, and Nico, the only others who knew about the bet, were laughing with me as well. Draco once again was on me about hanging out with Harry again. He would threaten me every time I was seen with him. I had to go back to my old routine of only talking to them during classes.


Harry finally was given back his Firebolt from McGonagall. It was just in time for Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw match. I was running late, the match was just about to begin and I wanted to see it. I walked down into the common room and saw Draco and his gang all walking out carrying very long black robes. "What are those for?" I asked them curiously.


"Surprise for Potter," Draco answered smirked at me. I thought for a moment, black ripped up robes...Dementors! They were going to pretend to be Dementors!

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