Stiles Stilinski~Broken (1) |tumblr|

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There's something up with Stiles.
Okay, obviously he's always been a little weird, but this is different. This isn't cute or funny or endearing. This is serious. Bad, even.
I pick up on it when I approach his Jeep after school. "Hi," I say cheerily to Stiles and his friends. They were in deep discussion when I came over. "What's up?"
"Nothing really," Scott gives me a half-smile. Then he turns his attention back to Stiles. "I'll talk to you later, man." He gives him a meaningful look, and the group disperses.
Sighing, Stiles hops into his Jeep and turns it on. "Come on, Y/N," he grumbles.
Frowning, I slide into the passenger seat and have barely closed the door before he's rocketing out of the parking lot. Usually he takes more care when driving: one, his father is a cop, and two, his Jeep isn't exactly brand new. She's got some age on her, so she doesn't run all that well.
But today Stiles doesn't care. It's like he wants to get home and away from me as soon as possible.
I want so badly to ask him what the problem is, but the words don't make it off my lips. I mean, what would be the point? He's not going to tell me. It'll be the same response I've gotten for the past two years: "I'm fine."
I know that's a lie. I've lived next door to Stiles for as long as I remember. Both of our parents are friends; they were the ones who originally arranged for Stiles to take me to and from school every day. I've seen him in his usual state: quirky and goofy and full of sarcasm.
This isn't Stiles. These dark circles under his eyes and burdened shoulders aren't him. And it scares me.
I decide to try and ask, at least to let him know that I care. "Are you okay?" I ask quietly.
"Peachy." He says in a tone that completely contradicts his statement.
I bite my lip. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah, totally. I'm great."
I twist my lips and resort to staring out the window. "Okay, then."
We don't say much else until he pulls into his driveway. He slams his finger on the locks, reaching across me to shove open my door.
I stare at him in shock. Why is he in such a rush? Does he really want to get rid of me that bad?
"I need to go." He says quickly. "So if you don't mind..."
"Of course." I say stiffly. "Didn't mean to be such a pain."
As I'm hopping out of his Jeep, Stiles says, "Hey Y/N... come on... don't be like that."
I raise an eyebrow. "Like what?"
"Don't get all..." He waves his hands around. "There's just something I have to do."
"I understand that. But you don't have to be rude, Stiles." I slam the door shut. He leans over to roll the window down to try to keep the conversation going, but I cut him off. Besides, if wherever he has to be is so important, then this conversation can wait, right? "Don't bother. It looks like it's going to rain, and it takes you forever to crank that."
"Y/N..." he calls through the crack.
"Goodbye, Stiles." I turn on my heel and stalk to my house, jamming my key into the lock. I haven't even made it inside before Stiles has zoomed away, leaving nothing but the stink of burned rubber behind.
I shut the door firmly and lean my forehead against it, sighing. Mom is working late tonight at the fire station. I would really love to talk to her about this. She's busy, though, and I don't want to bother her. I already know what she would say, anyway. "You're too sensitive when it comes to that boy. Just let it go."
Easier said than done. My massive crush on Stiles Stilinski prevents me from being able to take our interactions lightly.
A frantic whine from the dining room snaps me out of my trance. Crap. I forgot about Bingo. I jog over to my dog's cage and quickly let him out, whistling for him to follow me to the back yard so I can put him outside.
I head to my bedroom, turning on lights as I go. I wasn't lying about the rain. The overcast skies have made two in the afternoon look like six in the evening.
My backpack tumbles to the floor, along with my coat. I add my shoes to the pile, angrily kicking them off so they bounce off the wall.
Feelings are so stupid. I hate the mushiness of my heart whenever Stiles so much as looks at me. I hate how tender I am to everything he says. I hate that as soon as he said that he had to go somewhere, I immediately thought of Lydia Martin.
Everyone knows that he likes her. How could he not? She's beautiful, kind, smart... the total package. I don't know how I could ever compete with that – haha, actually, I can't. At all.
More than likely he's hurrying over to her for something. Maybe he and his friends are all going out together.
I try to shove those jealous thoughts out of my head. It always makes me feel like such a bad person.
I lay on my bed for several long minutes. What to do, what to do...
I have the house to myself for most of the evening. Why not put on some music and chill? Have a mini-dance party if I want? Maybe even pamper myself, paint my nails and put on that creamy, too-sweet lotion Mom put in my stocking last Christmas?
That sounds good. Just the thing to fix up a girl with a troubled heart and a lonely house.
My iPod is already plugged into the speaker; I just have to hit play. Elvis Presley's "Blue Christmas" comes on shuffle. I snort. I guess it's kind of fitting for my mood. And with winter break rapidly approaching and the weather turning drastically cooler and the trees already up in stores, I figure that maybe I do need to get into the almost-holiday spirit.
I turn the volume on loud so that I can hear it in the shower. I take a nice, long, hot one that stretches to over an hour. I shave and then glide the lotion across my legs. I let Bingo inside and he curls up next to me on the couch. I wear my fluffy robe and eat copious amounts of ice cream and watch a few episodes of my favorite show.
It's around eight o'clock at night when some other program comes on the television. I turn the TV off, put away my dirty dishes, put Bingo outside, and head back to my room.
I decide to wear some sweats and a tank. I pull my hair up into a messy bun. My face has already been cleansed of make-up from the shower, but I still take a wipe to clean off anything left.
My iPod died while I was watching TV – I forgot to turn it off – so I set it on the charger and pull out my box of nail polish. I decide on a pretty powder pink and get to work.
I'm just finishing my second coat when the doorbell rings. Blowing gently on my hands, I pad across the wooden floor in my bare feet.
To my surprise, it's Sheriff Stilinski. "Is Stiles here?"
I cross my arms. "No sir." No need to tell him about the little spat Stiles and I shared earlier. "Why? Is everything okay?"
He sighs. His voice is tight as he reveals, "I can't find him anywhere. He's not picking up his cellphone. I found his Jeep about five miles from here, abandoned. Scott's not having any luck either." He runs a hand over his face. "Did he say anything to you earlier?"
I gnaw on my lower lip. "He just said that he had to be somewhere. He seemed like he was in a hurry."
Sheriff Stilinski shakes his head and swears lowly under his breath. Then he glances back up at me and murmurs a brief apology.
I shake it off. Yes, I'm a little upset with Stiles at the moment, but he's missing. "Do you want me to help look for him? Or-"
"No!" He says immediately, eyes wide. I jump slightly at the sudden exclamation. He grimaces at my reaction and tries again, softer this time. "No. Stay home. Make sure all your doors and windows are locked. And if Stiles comes by, call me right away. Don't even think about letting him in. Don't even let him see you, okay?"
I furrow my brow. That kind of seems counter-productive. If Stiles is missing, wouldn't it be good to bring him inside, some place safe? And anyway, why would he even come here? "But sir-"
"Please, Y/N." It's startling, how intense and grave Sheriff Stilinski's gaze is, as if something bad were about to happen. "He'll want to kill me for telling you this, but he cares for you. A lot. And if what I think has happened... then I'm afraid for what that could mean when..." He cuts himself off. "I'm sorry. I've probably said too much already. I'm not trying to scare you. I just want you to be careful, you hear me? And listen to what I'm telling you."
My head feels like it's spinning. Stiles... cares for me. His father just told me. My mind struggles to process it – after all, he has a funny way of showing it, and has been pining after Lydia Martin for years – but I force myself to not think about it now. Something bad might've happened to Stiles. I need to think logically. I can let me knees turn to jelly later.
"Okay," I agree. "Don't let him in; don't let him see me; call you."
"Yes. Please." He glances up at the porch light. "Keep that on tonight."
"Okay," I say again. "But..." He waits for me to gather my thoughts. "Is Stiles... okay? Why can't I let him inside?"
"Don't ask questions, please. It'll just make this more complicated. And I know he doesn't want you brought into this. He never has. But if something happens tonight, then..." He shakes his head.
"Brought into what?" I press, as though I didn't just hear his request for me to not ask questions. "What's going on? What happened to Stiles?"
Sheriff Stilinski sighs. "He's not exactly himself, lately... sometimes. Ah..." He searches for the right word. "He's become dangerous, under certain circumstances."
"I don't understand." I deadpan. How could Stiles, scrawny and clumsy and nerdy, be dangerous?
"That's his fault. We kept telling him to tell you."
"Tell me what?"
"About-" His radio crackles.
"Sheriff Stilinski, we have sights on a dark-haired Caucasian male, about seventeen, walking the perimeter of the animal hospital."
He sucks in a deep breath before promising to be on his way. "Remember what I told you," he says. His eyes hold the weight of the world. All I can do is nod and swallow thickly as I watch him jog across the grass and hop into his patrol car. As soon as he turns on the engine, the lights come on. He pulls out of the driveway fast, speeding down the street, leaving only the wail of sirens ringing in my ears.
Biting my lip, I close the door and turn the lock. Stiles... dangerous? Stiles... liking me? Stiles... missing? It's too much to think about. My head feels like it's going to explode.
Sheriff Stilinski wants me to stay here. There's nothing I can do, really... hm...
My cellphone is on the kitchen counter. I swipe it and dial Stiles' number. Sure, Sheriff Stilinski and his best friend hadn't been able to reach him, but maybe Stiles wasn't able to get to the phone at that moment. Then again, if that had been the case, he would call them back as soon as he could...
At the very least I'll be able to hear his voice on the awkward voicemail. Yes, I'm mad at him, but most of that has dissipated. Now I feel a looming cloud of worry hovering over my head.
I bite my lip and scroll through my contacts. I come across Stiles' as I stroll over to the backdoor. "Bingo!" I call into the night, pressing the phone against my ear. "Come here, boy! Bingo!"
Nothing. Frowning, I shut the backdoor. Maybe he's not ready to come inside. It would make me feel better, but I'm not going to force him.
As I start for my room, still dialing Stiles, music comes from down the hall. I thought my iPod was charging? And since when did I turn my bedroom lights off?
The Star Wars theme echoes in my dark room. I slap against the wall, heart beat speeding up slightly. What the hell...?
When I finally hit the light switch, I jump and scream. My phone tumbles to the ground, cracking the screen. Crud. That was brand new! But can you blame me, with what I just walked in on?
Stiles is sitting on my neatly made bed. His cellphone is sitting beside him. His shoes are severely muddy, jeans streaked with brown too. His skin is paler than usual, standing out against the gray of his hoodie. His eyes are rimmed, like he hasn't slept in days. Across his lap lays Bingo, sleeping.
But there's something different about him, something almost... predatory. It's in the way he holds his shoulders and stares at me intently, with a half-smile on his face.
"Stiles," I gasp. "What – your dad is looking all over for you! What are you doing here? How did you even get in?"
That creepy little half-smile stretches into a full-blown smirk. "How sweet," he muses.
I gape at him. "That's it? That's all you have to say?" I shake my head. "I can't believe you."
I jerk my head towards him. "Did you seriously just ask me that? After being so distant these past few weeks, you decide to pop up in my room uninvited while your dad and Scott run around like chickens with their heads cut off looking for you."
"Interesting comparison."
I cross my arms. "Seriously, how did you get in here?"
"The backdoor was unlocked." He strokes Bingo's fur. "Your dog was very welcoming. I must smell familiar."
"Stiles, you know Bingo loves you."
"Apparently he did." In one fluid movement, Stiles shoves Bingo off his lap. My dog falls to the floor with a thud and doesn't move an inch.
A startled cry wrestles its way out of my throat. I rush to Bingo's side immediately, calling his name and shaking him. He doesn't blink or breathe. I tug his lifeless body into my lap. "What... what did you do?" My voice tremors. "What did you do to my dog?"
When I turn to glare at Stiles, I see that his eyes are closed and his head is thrown back. "Mmm..." he hums. "You feel deeply."
My chin trembles as I run my fingers through my dog's fur. "Bingo..." I whimper.
"Don't fret," Stiles rises to his full height, towering over me. "There's much more pain to come."
"Wh-what..." I lose it, tears spilling. "Why did you kill my dog?"
Stiles shrugs. "I couldn't chance him barking." He steps closer to me, reaching down to wrap one large hand around my bicep and jerk me to my feet. I let out a small yelp, Bingo tumbling out of my arms and to the floor. I try to pick him up again, but Stiles shoves me. Hard.
I fly back against my dresser, head smacking against the wood. My jaw drops from the sudden pain as I fall to the floor. My shaking hand comes up to touch the back of my head. My hair is damp. When I pull my fingers away, they're stained red.
Stiles saunters over to me, crouching low so that we're almost nose to nose. "Hurts?"
I try to nod but my vision spots. "Why did you do that?"
Suddenly I'm in the air, being thrown across the room. My back hits the wall, smashing through it. Drywall rains down around me. My entire body throbs.
Stiles comes to stand over me again. There's a crazy sort of pleasure in his eyes. "Look at you..." he hums. He yanks me out of the wall, letting me slide across my floor. Then he walks around me in a circle. "Poor little Y/N. Your heart is deliciously broken, isn't it?" He leans down over me. "You love Stiles, but he doesn't love you."
He grabs my hair and pulls me up, tongue licking the blood running down my temple. "Oh..." He shivers, inhaling deeply. "And it must really be killing you, seeing him doing this."
I open my mouth to respond, but he chooses that moment to duck his head. He bites down on my shoulder, hard enough to draw blood and a scream. He moans against my skin before chuckling softly. "You are divine to dine on," he whispers. "So good... so much pain..."
Then his fist closes around my throat. I gasp for air, hands clawing at his iron grasp but he doesn't budge. He's choking me, face flushed from pleasure as he does so, eyes dark and grin prominent.
Desperately I swing my fist, connecting with his nose. It's not enough force to break it, but it's enough to get him to release his hold. I flip onto my stomach and crawl out from underneath him. A strong hand grips my calf and tugs me back, but my other foot kicks out and he lets go again.
I snatch my phone off the floor before running into the hallway. Sheriff Stilinski's contact comes up, and I quickly press it. I feel nauseous, dizzy...
"Please..." I cry, sprinting away from my bedroom. "He's here, he's here..."
"He's at your house? I thought I told you-"
"He came in through the backdoor when I was talking to you." I pant, tearing past the kitchen. Just a little farther. I throw open the front door, stopped in my tracks by a figure in black standing in the way. Yelping, I stumble back. "Please, Sheriff, he-"
Arms wrap around my waist, pitching me back into a chest. I let out a loud scream, thrashing. My phone clatters to the floor. I can hear the Sheriff yelling on the other end. Stiles brings his heel down on the device, crushing it.
"Naughty, naughty." Stiles scolds in my ear, gripping me so tightly I can feel the bruises forming.
"Please, Stiles." I sob into his chest as I'm turned around and carried further into the kitchen. "Please stop. You're hurting me and I'm scared..."
He sits me down on the edge of the counter, standing between my legs. I'm shuddering hard, doubled over, head resting on his shoulder. My limbs feel heavy; my head feels like it is spinning. I can't hold myself up properly.
"There, there..." Large hands roam my back. For a second I believe that maybe I've appealed to him, that maybe this nightmare is over. His lips brush across my cheek, nearing my ear. Then he whispers, "You should be scared."

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