Stiles Stilinski~Closet (tumblr)

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His warm breath fell onto the bare skin of your neck. His hands securely on your hips, while yours held onto the beige cream folder. Your back was pressed into his chest and you felt his toned chiseled chest. You began to squirm, the sudden closeness brought a weird arousal to your body.
"Stop squirming would ya'." He said in a low growl just above your ear.
"I'm sorry, I don't do well with being close to boys." You whispered trying to stay still as possible.
"Well it's your fault we're in this mess, you forgot to lock the door." He hissed, his lips slightly brushing against your ear.
•10 Minutes Earlier•
Your eyes fluctuated as they try to grow accustomed to the dark menacing hallways of Beacon Hills High. It was another night of fighting crime, metaphorically speaking. You weren't alone, Stiles Stilinski was there with you too. The two of you, we're looking for a missing page of the Dread Doctors, that page seemed to reveal the truth. The truth about why they were here, and how they where there. It seemed easy at first, but then all of you figured that a teacher had it, specifically Coach.
So here you are picking the lock of Coach's office door. It was unclear why Coach had the last page but it would be discovered later.
"Can't you go any faster there, Y/n?" Stiles hissed looking around frantically.
"Shut up, I'm almost," you paused before giving the bobby one last jab sending the door to fly open "There."
You walked in examining the empty and unorganized office. On the desk was papers everywhere, the last page was there somewhere was well hidden.
"Use your eyes. " Stiles said nudging my side.
"No way, I didn't think about that." You hissed rolling my eyes.
Stiles ignored your last comment and trudged over to Coach's desk and pulled out a beige folder. You grabbed it from him and examine it. Indeed it was not just the last page of the Dread Doctors, but a bunch of journal entries. Just as you were about to say something the sound of footsteps grew close to the office.
Looking towards Stiles in panic. If the the two of you were caught then the mission would have been a failure. He pulled you into the small closet behind the desk.
•Present Time•
"You didn't tell me to lock anything!" You hissed very loudly causing suspicion to grow towards the closest you two were in.
"Shut up." He growled, his grip on your hips tighten.
"No I will not shut up, just because of what happened with Malia happened, doesn't give you the right to treat like th- " you had been cut of by his sudden movement of spinning you around.
Your breath hitches in your lungs. It was dark but the arousal was enough for your eyes to start glowing a bright purple. It was enough for you to catch his small facial features. It was enough to bring your pushed down feelings for Stilinsk to rise again, floating on the surface. He stared into your eyes not able too not look away.
Stiles always seemed to be attracted to you, but his relationship with Malia made it hard to go after you, it was the thing that held him back. Your relationship with your ex boyfriend drove him insane, making him try to move on from these feelings for you. That's when he met Malia, but then you broke up with your boyfriend and he couldn't continue giving Malia his heart when it really belonged to you. He looked at you tonight in this small closet space and saw nothing was holding him back.
"I really think it's time for you to shut up." He whispered softly before crashing his lips to yours.
Surprising at first but then later on passionate and lustful, your lips moved swiftly against each other. In sync (lol), was what your lips were. You pulled away leaning your forehead on his.
Stiles felt something different, something he had never felt with Malia. Of course comparing you to Malia was an understatement, you were so much more. Even if he didn't treat you the right way he was determined to do that now. Now it was clear that he loved you more anyone could.
"Stiles, this is just an act for you to get over Malia." You said feeling a little bit hurt by the thought of the kiss probably meaning nothing.
Even if Stiles could be a jerk to you sometimes, you still liked him. He made you see that life was precious and needed to be lived to the fullest. Therefore you couldn't have thought of anyone better to live it with other than Stiles himself. When you began dating Sebastian, you felt as if a crime was being committed, only due to the fact that you were falling for Stiles. Eventually you realized it didn't matter what you felt because the both of you were in relationships.
"We broke up." He whispered taking your bottom between his teeth. "Because of my feelings for you Y/n, I need you, I need to be with you."
Your heart stop, they broke up because of you? You couldn't seem to form any type of words, giving Stiles the advantage to kiss you again. The two of you had long forgotten about the mission by now, but it was okay. Coach only came back to his office for his keys and whistle completely ignoring the unlocked door and shuffling in the closet.
You felt yourself slipping, you was so wrapped up in Stiles you weren't able to control your emotions. However you were strong enough to pull away again.
"Stiles, we can talk about all of," you sighed out of breath "this later. Right now we need to get back to Scott."
"Please tell me something," he paused allowing you to respond with nod "please tell me if its real right now, you kissed me back. I want to know if it was real."
"Stiles, it was real, everything I feel for you is real." You reassure him before slipping your hand into his.
That night made you realize that you loved Stiles, and that was something that couldn't be fake.

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