First kiss (Derek And Isaac)

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I pulled open the door to Derek's loft carefully, trying not to drop the box of cookies I had made earlier in the opposite hand.

"Derek" I called out. Nothing. "Derek?" The floor boards creaked above my head.
He was probably in his room. I walked up his spiral staircase quickly, not before putting the cookies on the counter.

I pushed open the first door to my left and there he was, earphones in blasting music, doing push-ups. The floor creaked from under my feet. Derek stopped doing his activity, taking an earbud out of his ear. He turned to look at me and smirked.

"What are you doing here" he asked getting up from the floor boards to stand infront of me.

"oh, I made cookies and thought 'might as well go to Derek's" I followed him down the stairs as I spoke.

"that's kind" he ate a cookie and chugged a water bottle down.

"Well I'm a kind person" I smirked, sitting on the counter top.

"And I'm great full for that" he threw the water bottle in the trash.

"great full?" I questioned.

"very" he stood between my legs and started to lean in, I did the same. I could taste the chocolate chip cookie on his lips, I knew he was kissing me, so I kissed back. Soon enough we both pulled away for air.

"Those cookies are very good" I smirked at him and hoped of the he counter.


"hello y/n" Adien smirked at me ,leaning up against the locker.

"Adien" I replied, not bothering to look at him.

"You look very hot today" he was so close to my face as he spoke. I could feel every word like a kiss on the cheek.

"What do you want" I replied still looking in my locker. I felt his presence behind me.

"How would you like to go out with me" he kissed my neck, and I pushed him away. I watched as Isaac stormed past us, his eyes shining a right shade of yellow. "So what do you say" he smirked. I slapped his face.

"You knew Isaac was watching" I stomped on his foot and ran after the curly haired werewolf. i saw him walking out of the school.

"Isaac" I yelled. He stopped but didn't turn around."I'm so so so so sorry Isaac he came to me and asked me out and kissed me neck and I'm so sorry" I huffed out trying to catch my breath from running after Isaac. He looked back at me and stood about 5 feet infront of me.
"If it makes you feel better I slapped him in the face and stopped on his foot" I smiled a lightly, so did he.

"I'm sorry Isaac" I walked to him and held his hands.

"it's not your fault Y/N" he smiled small at me. "I just got jealous and Adien well. Every one loves Adien. He's good looking, has a moter bike and he-" I stopped him.

"yeah he does have all those things and he is super hot" I said no emotion in my face, Isaac gaped at me wide eyed. "But" I countined "the boy I like is tall, amazing curly blonde hair" I ran my fingers through is hair "the bluest eyes possibly ever" he smiled at me "the best fashion" I tugged at his cardigan "and he has my heart" I finished it off by kissing him slowly, he put his hand around my waist, I ran my fingers through his hair. He pulled away gasping for air.

"I like you Isaac" I poked his nose.

"you do?" He asked smiling.

"That is why I kissed you" I smiled at him and he smiled back.

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