Suprise-Liam Dunbar (tumblr)

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Finding yourself; something that people say a lot but for Y/N, it was completely true. Packing up and leaving with her parents was one big decision especially just after the start of a new school year but she needed it and her parents agreed, so, they took her out of school and taught her elsewhere so she could find herself. So she could find her own happiness again but, it came with consequences; she had to leave behind the few friends that she had and her boyfriend, Liam but it was what was best for her and they understood.
"Liam, I need to talk to you." There was something about the way she said it that had his stomach in a load of knots and that's when he saw the tears in her eyes that were threatening to spill over and the way she was slouched against his locker. "I'm really sorry but I've got to leave. Leave this town, I can't stay here anymore, my parents are taking me out of school and are going to teach me because we're all leaving as a family."
"Wait, what?" Liam asked, his heart broke at her words, even more so at the thought of her actually leaving. People had always told him that he was only young, too young to be in love but he was sure that it was all crap, he was in love with Y/N. "What do you mean that you're leaving? You're just going to pack up and leave just like that?" Tears were beginning to form in his own eyes now as he looked at the beautiful, hurting girl in front of him. He knew that she was hurting and that she had been hurting for a long time now but he never thought that it would result in this.
"Yes Liam. We're just going to pack up and leave; my parents told me that I need to go away and find myself." Y/N was scared that Liam was going to cause a scene, that he was going to yell at her and tell her to just go and that he didn't love her anymore and she was pretty sure that it would finish her off. Instead, Liam just leaned forward and wrapped his arms around her smaller frame, his chin rested comfortably on the top of her head as he just took the moment, knowing that it could be the last hug the two of them shared at least for a while, if not, ever. The thought of that killed him inside but he just squeezed her tightly in his arms.
"Okay," he whispered, it was quiet, his voice small and hoarse. "If this is what you want and what you need to make you happy again then this is what I want you to do. All I want is for my angel to be happy and smiling again." Liam cupped Y/N's cheeks in his hands, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead, "you've got to promise me though that this is definitely what you want and need, please?"
"I promise." Y/N replied, taking one of his hands in hers and trying to bite back the tears that were in her eyes. "I love you Liam Dunbar, I promise that one day, I'll come back for you." Liam wanted to believe her, he wanted to believe that she was going to come back to him but he nodded and pressed his lips against hers, trying to make it last for as long as he could.
"When are you leaving?"
"First thing in the morning." She heard his breath hitch in his throat but she tried to ignore it as she just offered him a sad smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. Liam slowly nodded, letting a solo tear roll down his cheek as he engulfed her in one last hug, the sound of the bell ringing down the hall, signaling that they really should go as that was the second bell. "I guess that this is goodbye." Y/N didn't want to say goodbye to him, he was so important to her and she loved him but this was just something that she really needed to do for herself.
"It's not goodbye," Liam said, pressing a kiss to her cheek gently and then to her lips. "It's BRB."
The conversation from two years ago went around in Y/N's head as the plane started to descend into the landing position. She was nervous about going home and back for her final year of school, she wondered if Liam still thought about her or even still remembered her after all of this time. It's not like they had spoken to each other whilst she was gone, Y/N had a strict no contact with anyone policy with herself as she knew that if she could talk to any of the pack, the whole being away thing would have been too hard for her to take and she would have just come straight back.
One thing she was sure of though was that she felt better. A lot better. The two years away had worked magic for her, it had taken a few months, maybe months even but after that, she had smiled and laughed every single day. It was a relief to her parents; they felt like they had their little girl back and Y/N felt as if she wasn't lost anymore, she had herself back. Everything was perfect apart from one thing; Liam Dunbar wasn't with her.
"Home sweet home," Y/N's dad said as he pushed the front door open of their old family home. It hadn't changed since they stepped out of it, it just looked more un-lived in as they hadn't rented it out to anyone whilst they were away. Y/N grabbed her bags a little tighter as she took a deep breath and looked around the living room for a few seconds, her eyes on the big collage that was on the wall. It had many pictures from family photos, to photos of them with family friends, ones of her friends and ones of Liam.
"I love you both," Y/N said, turning towards her parents who were still stood just leaning against the doorway, watching her. "That time away was really what I needed, they say that sometimes you just need to find yourself but, I really did need that and it's all thanks to the two of you that I could take that opportunity."
"That's okay Y/N. We know that you needed this and as long as you're safe and happy with yourself, so are we. We love you." Her mum said and she stepped forward, wrapping the two of them in a tight hug, something that she had been doing a lot, to remind herself how thankful she is. "Now, if I were you, I'd go upstairs and rest up, school starts again tomorrow." A knot tightened in Y/N's stomach as she nodded and grabbed her bags to take them upstairs. It didn't take her long to unpack and before she knew it, she was out like a light.
As soon as Y/N rolled up into her usual parking spot, she felt herself want to turn around and go home but she didn't. Instead, she grabbed her stuff, stuffing her keys into her bag before she just looked up at the huge school building, it was daunting, like she was starting there all over again. Squeezing her eyes shut for a few seconds, she opened them again and walked towards it, all of the familiar faces either just staring at her, greeting her or offering her a warm smile but she hadn't seen that face yet.
From where she was stood at her locker, she knew that she could easily see Liam's but she was too scared to look in his direction to see if he was there or if he was looking at her.
Every time Liam went to his locker, he made sure he looked over at Y/N's locker, he knew that she wasn't coming back but that didn't stop him from looking and it was when he looked that his heart dropped. Somebody had taken her locker, they were there, putting their stuff in there, he couldn't see them properly but he could make out that she even looked like Y/N, his heart fell into his stomach and shattered. That was before the locker door slammed shut and she turned in his direction.
It was like the scene of a movie, when two people have been away from each other for a long time and then finally see each other again. In fact, it was exactly like that. Y/N gasped and so did he before huge smiles broke out and Liam didn't even think about it as he ran towards her, engulfing her in the tightest hug when he reached.
"You're home, Y/N. You're actually home." He whispered in her ear and she felt a few tears leak from her eyes but that was okay, she could feel his tears too. "You actually came back to me, just like you promised you would and you're actually here, in front of me."
"I promised you that I would come home. I don't break a promise, Liam." The two of them pulled away from each other before their lips met. Fireworks exploded in Y/N's gut as she was back with her final puzzle piece, her soulmate, the only thing missing from her life now. "Does this mean we can start from where we left off?" She wondered, taking his hand as they wondered down the hall and towards their first class.
"I told you that it was just BRB," Liam said, laughing as he kissed the top of her head.

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