Firts time meeting; Liam, jordan, Jackson, Theo

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Soccer. My life, my soul and my breath. It's all I have ever cared about...ever. So, for my best friend and myself, it wasn't unusual for us to be practicing for our next big game.

I hardly kicked to ball towards the goalies net, to my dismay-Hayden, my best friend, caught the ball with her hands. She smirked, tossing the ball back toward me. "Come on, Y/N, we have like five minutes before history..... You can make one shot"

I nodded, placing the ball on the soft field grass. I brought my foot back, brining it forward only for it to hit the ball and make it go flying to the other side of the lacrosse field. I groaned. "I'll get it"

I quickly jogged sprung the practicing lacrosse players, grabbing the ball from their side of the field. Once it was secure in my arms, I turned on my heels, ready to walk back to Hayden and pack up-that's what I thought.

"Watch out!!" And with those words, I fell too the ground-completely knocked out.


"Are her eyes opening?" I squinted my eyes softly. "Is she awake?" A soft groan erupted from my parched lips, my eyes opening fully as I looked up into two eyes of three people.

"What happened?"

"This idiot, hit you in the head with a lacrosse ball" Hayden hissed, joining her thumb in the direction of a brunette boy. The boys shining blue eyes twinkled, a huff coming from his pink lips. "It was an accident"

"Yeah" the blonde teenager sighed. "Don't be so hard on him, Hayden"

"Whatever, Garrett. Come on, Liam let's take her to the nurses office."


"I brought you lunch dad" I smiled, placing down the brown paper bag of food atop his office table.

"thank you baby" he kissed my temple, looking through Th many snacks I had put in the bag. The eldest Stilinski pulled out the muffin. "Where is Stiles today" he asked, leaning back more in his spiny chair.

"With Scott again" I chucked softly, rubbing my temples to prevent my headache becoming stronger. It didn't work.

"You okay, Y/N?" my dad asked, concerned laced in his voice.

"I've got a headache" I closed my eyes and sighed.

"well" he started digging through the draws of his odd ice desk. "I've got- no pills" he gave me a apologetic look. "Parrish" he shouted, making me wince.

"yes sheriff Stilinski" a deputy was their instantly, peeking his head around the door.

"Could you please take my daughter to your office to get some pills for a headache?" My father asked, taking another bite of his blueberry muffin.

"yep... Come with me"


The deputy handed me a red pill and a water bottle. "Here" he smiled. I nodded my head at him, taking the pill quickly.

"thank you" I smiled at him he did the same.

"I'm Jordan Parrish" he put his hand out.

"Y/N stilinski" I shook his hand.


"Danny have you see the-" I was asking my brother a question, when I rounded the corner I did not see Danny I saw a random hot dude sitting on our couch. Really hot dude.
"Your not Danny" I stated, he smiled, wow his smile. It made me smile.
"no I'm not. Um I'm Jackson friend of Danny's he is in the kitchen" he laughed slightly
"oh well I'm Danny's sister Y/N"

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