Liam dunbar~first i love you (tumblr)

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Lately all your focus just like the rest of the packs had been towards the supernatural, but it was time to change that. Here you were in your boyfriends bedroom waiting for him to stop procrastinating and join you in the study session, that both of you agreed too.
"Liam trying to get out of this isn't going to work. Plus promised to sit down and study with me, considering your grades aren't that good either".
He groaned and paused his game and put down the controller, "Y/N what's the point when we know that someone or something will just prevent us from studying, just like all those other times.
"Unless some sort of supernatural creature comes through your bedroom door in the next minute or so, then I'll agree with your statement. However I don't see anyone in this room besides you and me, so Liam don't make me come over there and do something you won't like".
He got up and slumped his body on his bed. Liam was all about the action, that's why he loved being a werewolf. He learned how to control his anger and how to use that energy towards something useful. So trying to tame him to sit still for more than a few minutes was a challenge.
Not even 5 minutes in Liam was beginning to get restless, he had lost focus on the current homework that had to be done and now found anything in his room to be more interesting, then what he was meant to be paying attention too. "Liam come on were almost finished" you said even though that wasn't even true.
"Y/N we just started. Nice try though".
Leaving Liam to whatever he was doing, you however concentrated on the work in front of you. Halfway through Liam's focus turned to you, his stare didn't leave your face and the more he kept on looking at you the harder it was keep your attention on your studies.
"Liam if your bored than you have things in front of you that can keep you entertained". you said to him hoping that it would get him to stop staring.
"I want you to keep me entertained though, come on Y/N talk to me". he replied back
"I am talking to you".
He huffed and said, "That's not what I mean".
Despite Liam and his interruptions you managed to get more homework done that you thought was going to happen. From the moment you walked through his door you knew that this afternoon wouldn't end successfully, but you tried to get Liam to study and there wasn't much to more you could do.
Just when you thought Liam was done his gaze was on you again "Okay Liam would you stop staring at me?" you asked.
He looked at you with a serious expression before saying, "I love you".
You knew that this was cliche and downright corny but your heart skipped and you couldn't wipe the smile off your face. "I love you too".
That was a major step in your relationship with Liam, considering that was the first time either one of you said I love you. Despite living in a supernatural town you were glad to know that you could still have normal moments like this.

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