First Kiss; Scott and Stiles

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"I had a really good time tonight" I smiled as Scott and myself stood on my front porch.

"Same, I told you I was good at bowling" Scott said matter of factily.

"Scott I had to help you" I smirked he laughed me following, until I realized my parents are probly both asleep.

"Scott" I said between laughing.

"What" he barley got out between giggles.

"shhh" I put his hand over his mouth "my parents are asleep" he nodded, I took my mouth off his hand, but it was too late I heard movements inside the house.

"I gotta go Scott see you tommorow" I kissed his cheek and opened the door

"Y/N" he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. "Can I kiss you" I smiled so big me cheeks hurt.

"I'd like that" I smiled and we leaned in. Soon enough I felt his lips on mine, we kissed about 30 seconds then the front door opened. We both pulled apart, my mom stood before us wide eyes.

"good evening Scott" she smiled

"good evening mrs.y/l/n" Scott smiled and turned back to me "good night I'll see you tomorrow" he smiled

"goodnight Scott" I kissed his cheek and walked inside. Once I shut the door I looked out the little peep hole. I saw Scott do a fist pump, and I couldn't help but giggle.


"good game stiles" I put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a small smile.

"Y/N i sat on the bech the whole time" he sulked once we were at his jeep.

"stiles I had fun" he turned to me and gave me an 'are you kidding look'.

"you watched me sit on a bench" he moved his hands around as we spoke occasionally throwing them in the air.

"what can I say I enjoyed the view" I smirked he groaned .

"this is probably the worst dates in the history of dates" he leant back on the side of his baby blue jeep.

"well do you want be to make it better" I smiled, he looked at me.

"you can't make this -" but I cut him off by placing a hand over his mouth.

"can I try" he nodded "close your eyes" he huffed and I smacked his chest. I slowly leaned in and kissed him. He tensed up but soon enough kissed back.

"Better?" I asked once we pulled away.

"better" he replied smiling.

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