Bad Beginings

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The room was dark, only a spotlight on the white haired, blue dressed women. From that light, you could see the outlines of an old and dusty, but mystical courtroom.
There was rock that looked like blue marble, making up everything in the old room. The white and blue swirls matched perfectly with the golden lining. The gold was plated on every edge and was incrusted with swirls and designs. The room couldn't be seen for its beauty though, as a darkness from the past and the present clouded it.
At the beautiful, gold laced alter of the courtroom was a dark man named Malutni and his council. He luckily didn't choose his council, or this trial and everything else in the world would be decided only by him and people who think like him. The last King's parliament of Thesal was there, instead of his henchmen and stooges. Malutni was slightly old, with silver hair combed carelessly on top of his head. He had a red cloak with light blue and white imprints, as did everyone in the parliament. He stood tall, looking coldly and intensely at the women in front of him.
Her name was Ephidora, and she was not cold like the man in front of her, she had done great and righteous things. She wasn't at all old, although she had shinning silvery-white hair. It had one individual braid in the front and went down to the middle of her back before halting. She had a young face with eyes the color of frost. She had a long, Roman-style gown on that looked like the petal off of a flower. She wasn't young, even though her face didn't show it. For she needed to be very old to complete all of the righteous task she had done.
Although, she wasn't looking back at the man staring intensely at her though, she looked as if she paid no mind to him. She was looking at the contents of the blue shoal wrapped around her elbow and underarm.
" Ephidora, you stand here, below the high Thesal court because the discovery of a prophecy that has become of worriment to all. I will read the evidence aloud for all to hear.
'A women of great servitude to many will hope, and wish, and pray for a child.
Although her wish might come true the child will be an aliment to all.
A child born of black and white, against herself, where the black controls, all falls to the pits of hell and destruction.
The white might rise and the outcome is unknown.
Yes they wish all their might to rid, it will start in one world or another, and will destroy all or nothing that falls.' "
Malutni spat the whole thing at the nursing women, try to intimidate with all his might. " Although I disagree that you have served upon anything," he said this angrily," the prophecy is very clear. Your child will bring death and destruction to our world and all the others." As if on cue, the parliament either gasped or scoffed." Do you have anything to say for yourself?". Ephidora paused for a moment and then looked up.
"My child shows no signs of malice or evil of any kind, she was birthed-"
" - incorrectly by forms of dark magic! Because of this her soul is fragmented! Into and evil character that can bring down nations at that! We cannot let a spawn of such evil live!" Malutni finished for her.
There was gasp from the whole court and then silence.
After a few moments of silence Ephidora answered back. Sadness struck her face as she replied, " My child's soul is not fragmented! She would not even be alive if that were the case. It is split against itself. Which means there is good in her, too! We cannot just kill her! If she is evil than that is even more!" More silence.
Malutni spoke up. " We the Thesal High Court will make the decision, not you. Present the child for all to see as evidence to the prophecy."
Ephidora stood for a moment. She then slowly took her baby out of the blue shoal. The child whimpered and Ephidora smiled and shushed her. As she placed her on the table, the whole courtroom gasped at the sight.

The infant was smiling back brightly at the scared and disgusted parliament. She had light blond hair on one side and dark ebony hair on the other. It was literally split in half in the middle of her head. On the side of the blond hair her skin was normal and soft, with a slight tan. On the other side her, her skin was pale and dark. She did not look sickly there, it just was scary. The significant thing about her was her eyes. On one side they were a light crystalline blue, not unlike her mothers. It was lighter close to the pupil and the eye looked like it could stare into your soul. He other eye was the complete opposite. It was a dark emerald green that had a darkish ring around where the green meets the white of the eye. It got darker near the pupil, and the eye looked threatening.
   Ephidora didn't seem to notice this though, all she saw was a beautiful, smiling infant. This would be true, if one half of her didn't leave such a dark aura of death around.
  " Isn't she beautiful?" She said this softly, staring straight into her baby's eyes. " I named her Emmeline which means work." She laughed slightly. "It sure took a lot of work to make her."
" Ephidora, what is this monstrosity of a child! Blasphemous! This is not something that belongs of this world!"
He light face immediately turned to anger. " My child doesn't belong anywhere with the awful likes of you! She belongs here more then you do yourself! You hypocritical basta-"
All sound vanished. Malutni had an air slicing glare on his face, headed straight for Ephidora.
"You she-demon in my opinion does not deserve a child! But this is going to be voted upon by the all of the high court." A piece of paper appeared in his wrinkled, old hand. Ephidora scowled at the man so much her eyes glowed in anger.
" All in the Court in favor of choice 1: the child shall live with no borders, raise your hand."
  2 men of the parliament raised their hands. Malutni scowled at them.
  " All in the Court in favor of choice 2: the child will be held in captivity, raise your hand."
   7 men of the parliament raised their hands.
" All in the Court in favor of choice 3: the child will be eliminated under ways of the High Court, raise your hand."
   11 men of the parliament raised there hands, including Malutni. Ephidora's face was painted in shock and worry.
  " No, NO! You cannot do this! She is only-" she was cut off by the raised hand of Malutni. " The Court has decided by majority vote. Your child will be terminated. And to keep the hands clean of the holy High Court you," there was a brief pause, " Ephidora Vailsom of Nightingale, must kill her."
   Ephidora fell on her knees and sobbed. At the sight of her mother, Emmeline started to cry mercilessly on the blue swirled marble table.
   The court was quiet.
   After a few moments of the mother and daughters tears, Malutni spoke again. " We will give you two days to exterminate the infant. If you do not, you, your daughter, and your family will all be slain. Court dismissed."
  He banged a marble gavel twice and the walked to the exit behind him. The rest of the men followed.
  Ephidora and her baby were left crying in the courtroom.
   Ephidora had come up with a plan.
  It was almost the end of the second day she was given to kill her child. She was in what some could call a workshop office, only it was filled with magical items. She had her baby held up with cloth, laughing at a red toy bird in front of her. Her head was swishing back and forth with the bird. Ephidora was mixing potions and looked up at her child. She smiled softly, but with pain.
  Her plan was not one that would benefit herself.
As she walked around her cluttered workshop, she looked for the right potions. She also found  glowing white gauntlets from the top shelf. She put the last of what she needed for the potions she made in them. One potion turned into swirls of green and gold. The other was a transparent blue, as if you could see things through it. It was in a large cauldron, about as big as a fireplace. The last potion was a pure liquid gold. She spread that potion onto the white gauntlets and the liquid disappeared into them.  The gauntlets then turned a golden color and shinned like gold.
  Ephidora lifted her baby onto the table. Then she put on the golden gauntlets. She hesitated before putting gauntlets literally inside her baby. The infant immediately fell limp on the table, becoming motionless.
  As she pulled the gauntlets out a translucent copy of the infant was in her hands. She was giggling like before, only now staring straight into her mothers eyes. The only difference was the two tails sprouting from her lower back. 
  One looked like it was made out of angel feathers, white and fluffy, with light reflecting off of some of the feathers. The other tail was completely made out of a black smoke. At the tip it looked as it the smoke dispersed into the air. Both tails looked sort of like a foxes, the angelic one smooth and slender, the smoke-like one rough and bristled.
  Ephidora smiled back at the soul of her baby with sadness. The baby didn't understand that she was sad though, and her two tail wagged back and forth vigorously as she giggled some more. Ephidora then left the body of her baby and lifted the soul over the green and golden swirls of her other potion. She then dipped her whole baby into the substance.
  A flash of white-hot light came from the cauldron. Ephidora was blinded and stumbled back into a bookshelf. When she opened her eyes, she found no green and gold swirls. She found her translucent baby in the cauldron, only she was different.
  The half with green eyes and ebony hair was gone. She had all blond hair, although it was slightly darker then before. Both of her eyes were same frost blue as one of them were before. The only thing left from her dark side was the tail. There was only one tail now, although it looked as though the two tails she had before were wrapped together in back and forth swirls.
  This confused Ephidora. The potion was supposed to take away the evil. Why was the smoke-like tail still coexistent? She didn't put any more mind into it. She went over to the limp body of her baby and took a hair from her head. She then went over and looked at the blue transparent substance in the giant cauldron. After that she dipped the hair into a green potion on the table, and threw the hair into the cauldron. The blue swirled and then showed a moving picture. It was of a red haired, very pregnant woman in a hospital bed. She looked in pain, but very happy.
   Ephidora smiled a the woman through the cauldron. She could tell that this was good mother. " Hope you take good care of my child," she whispered. She then turned to the cauldron where her baby was and stared at her, smiling, for a long time.  The baby was smiling back at her, holding out her hands to be held. Her mother fulfilled her wishes, but she knew this would be the last time.
  As she carried her and led her translucent body over the cauldron. Tears dwelled in her eyes. The infants face dropped slightly. She had a confused look, wondering why her mother looked so sad. She then kissed her baby on her soft cheek. The confused look on the infant's face immediately disappeared as she got a kiss from her mother. She immediately became joyful again. As her mother bounced her up and down she giggled playfully.
  Ephidora was still crying. She slowly dropped her baby into clear blue substance. Where she was in the cauldron had a golden aura around it. The substance went over her body as she dropped and over her face and mouth. Ephidora had only her baby's hand wrapped around hers until there was a knock on the door.
  "High Council! Open up! Your two days are up, and we need the outcome!"
  Ephidora swiftly let go of her infants hand. As soon as she did a golden smoke-like image of the child swirled around in the cauldron until the smoke cleared out of the image and entered the women that was the image of the cauldron. Then the picture swirled around until it was nothing but a blue, transparent substance. 
  When Ephidora answered the door, she met with Malutni and the Thesal police. They burst into the room. " Have you done the deed? Please remember the consequences if you did not." Malutni said this with a dark look on his face.
" Yes. I will bring the child." She didn't look the man in the eye. She went to her table and carried the limp body of her baby.
Malutni looked relieved. " I'm sure it's good for everyone that your child is now somewhere else."
Ephidora smiled softly then looked down at her baby's beautiful body with her eyes closed, as though she were sleeping.
"I'm sure it's good for her, too."


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