Just A Dream

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   Ammie Lake woke up suddenly, hyperventilating. This was very off of her usually cheery manner. She sat up in her bright pink pajamas, trying to calm herself down from the dream she had just had moments before. The sun shinned through the windows and pink lace curtains, right on her terrified face. She usually didn't have bad dreams, even if she did, most of them were childlike, with petty problems that got solved in the end. But this one was different.

    Her dream started with her in a black void. There was no sound, nothing. She walked forward carefully, just in case she couldn't see something. Then she did see something. It was a giant reflection of the void of darkness. She couldn't see the end of the mirror wall, going forever upwards and sideways. Instead of looking at herself in the mirror, she found another person where she should be. The reflection had a girl her age smiling widely and sadistically. Her hair was a dark, silk-like ebony, that was in an elongated bob cut. Her eyes were a fierce, dark, emerald green. They gave Ammie shivers inside, like a dark presence was there. Her lips and skin were as pale as any humans skin could be, if not even more. It almost  gave out a grayish tint. Lastly, her clothes circus like, only really dark. She had on a puffy, green and black stripped skirt ended just above her knees, and a vinyl, long sleeved top that connected to leather, fingerless gloves.
Ammie was thoroughly afraid. The weird thing was, when she tilted her head, the image followed. Then she looked down at herself to be sure. She looked exactly the same, only that she had on a silk like dress that ended above her knees, that was laced with gold. It was elegant, not circus-like like the girl in the mirror.
When the girl noticed her moving she smiled her twisted smile even brighter. You could see her fangs sticking- wait a second, fangs? Ammie was even more afraid. Why would a human being have fangs? It made her want to run away. But, unexpectedly, the ominous image ran up to the mirror glass. As if she couldn't control herself, she did as well. She put her hand on the mirror to stabilize herself, and not unexpectedly, the image did too.
The next thing she knew she was going through events that were very disturbing.
The blood splattered walls of her house's stainless steel kitchen. A butcher knife was on the granite countertop, covered in blood. Although she was hoping with all her heart that some sort of produce would be on the floor as she leaned to where the blood started, it was to no avail. On the floor, right below the stove, was the dead body of her mother. Her blue, lifeless eyes stared right back at her. And, not controlling her body functions, Ammie smiled. Her mind was disturbed at this gesture, but she couldn't do anything about it.
Then that image was gone and the next image appeared. It was her only friend, Kassidy, at the very top of a skyscraper. There where people all around, booing her from the ground , and at the very front, she found herself doing the same. Kassidy looked like she was crying, but she was unheard at her height in the sky. Then she looked down at Ammie. Ammie wanted to stop booing, then get Kassidy down and comfort her, but she couldn't control herself. After looking at her friend's awful remarks about her, Kassidy's sobs could now be heard by the crowd, as she did it even louder. Right then did she jump off the 14 story building. With all her strength, Ammie could only get a whispered 'no' out of her mouth. Even then it was too late. Kassidy's hair swayed in front of her face in the wind as she was about to meet her end by concrete. Ammie, uncontrollably, smiled even wider. As Kassidy's body hit the floor, another event arrived.
  This one was way more vivid than the others. Ammie looked in her hands, and she was holding a knife. She had a gun holster made out of black leather around her waist. Although, it was a weird thing to think about at the time, the holster around her catched Ammie's eye from the sparkling emerald gems on it, and gems on two other guns. She also realized her hand wavered above one of the guns. Then she looked up and found people in the corner. It was all her friends and family, her mom, dad, Kassidy, and a few others. She would be glad to see them if they weren't cowering in fear at her sight.
Ammie smiled uncontrollably once again. It wasn't faint and happy, no, it was full-thrown big and sadistic. It was on the verge of insane laughter, opposite of how Ammie felt. She felt on the verge of tears.
The room was dark, you could only see the outline of what it was. Water dripped from the ceiling, leaving damp spots and puddles on the floor. It gave a sense of unease. Her company in the corner could feel that unease. Kassidy was looking straight at her with tears in her eyes. Ammie couldn't smile more at this gesture. She walked closer closing the gap from the huddle. It seemed all of them were in rags and chained by the feet.
" Well it's the end for one of you, isn't that great?" Ammie said uncontrollably. Her voice was light and happy, yet dark and gritted. The crowd obviously shivered at this comment. Even Ammie couldn't help but be afraid of herself.
Silenced followed.
" Tough crowd... well I can take care of that..." She moved her hand to the holstered gun. " But I'll save it for later. Why don't I just kill the person I hate the most? Let's see....enie, meenie, minie, mo." Ammie pointed to some of the people cowering before landing on one person in the back, with dyed black hair. " Well you've tormented me enough in life to deserve to die don't you, Desde? Well I obvs don't care for you opinion anyway." Her voiced turned darker in that sentence. Ammie walked into the huddle and all the others quickly moved aside. There, whimpering against the wall was her prey.
Ammie didn't want to believe she was doing this, letting something this inevitably awful happen. It wasn't her controlling though, it was someone else. She looked into the eyes of the fearful teenager in the corner with complete sadness and guilt. Her face didn't show it though, she was smiling brighter then ever.
" Oh Desde you think I forgot about you sweetie, all that high school torment? Well this is just payback." Her voice got darker in the last sentence and her face looked as if it cast a shadow. Ammie quickly grabbed the neck of the teen and she choked a whimper. Ammie held her so that she couldn't talk, but could still barely breathe.
None of them wanted this at all. Sure Desde bullied her a lot in school, but that doesn't mean she should kill her! That's going way too far. But alas, Ammie couldn't control her actions. It was painful watching the suffering of others yet she laughed. What was wrong with her?
Ammie then moved the knife up to Desde's throat. She tried to move away and retract her neck from the knife in a whimper, but she couldn't move away from Ammie's killer grip. "You know there's a reason that your name is Desdemona." The knife moved closer to her throat and pierced her skin. The blood that flowed made Ammie smile even more sadistically than before, if that was even possible. Desde cried as she knew this was the end for her. " There's the word demon in it. See? DesDEMONa? And you sure are of the devil, aren't you? You are evil nothingness that doesn't deserve a place in this world." Desde whimpered and tears flowed everywhere now. Her blood went onto the stainless steel blade held at her throat.
" And that's just too bad." She said sweetly as her smile raised. " So am I." At that moment Desde fell unconscious in shock and pain. Ammie saw this wide eyed and seconds later, started laughing.
Hard, maniacal laughter filled every corner of the dark room and her smile turned so twisted and bright you could see it for miles.
Ammie didn't feel this way though, she felt on the verge of tears making someone fear her that much. Tears fell from Ammie's eyes as she laughed maniacally, showing a confusing spread of emotion on her face. She didn't want this.
  The blood caked red hair of her mother.
   The splintering crack her friends fall left on the pavement.
The fear in the eyes of all her friends.
    She didn't want any of it.
   The tears fell from her blue eyes, landing in a puddle of scarlet below her, owned by her victim.

Ammie woke up after that, terrified that those things actually happened. As she finished her panic attack of sorts, her mother called from the stairs.
Ammie finally got herself together. It wasn't real. Everyone is alive. It was just a dream. No one was hurt.
She quickly got up from her pink bed with pink bedspread to answer her mother. She tried not to remember the dream as she smiled her usual smile, thinking of the day ahead.

If only she knew how much of a dream it was.
AN: HELLO AGAIN! Sorry it's been so long since the last update, writers block sucks. Ill try my best next time, but don't make any promises.

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