Into The Pit

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  Ammie went hurriedly into her bathroom, that was conveniently placed in her bedroom.  
    Her room was the second largest in the modern suburban home, a close second to her mother and father's bedroom. The loss of the size was made up for tenfold by how extravagantly modern and pink it was. A light pink laced curtain was pulled back from the windows, letting morning light from outside in. Instead of the sunlight hitting the occupant of the room, it now hit part of the pink wall with golden lace design throughout it . The walls led up to a magenta colored door in the right corner in front of the bed, the same wall as the bathroom door. It kept Ammie's extravagant amount of pink colored clothing, as it was bigger than two of her own parent's closets combined.  A hot pink bedspread with a bird patterns was sprawled on the light pink carpet, as the only thing wasn't perfect in the cringe worthy pink room.
  It was left from Ammie, in the bathroom, now brushing her perfect white teeth. The bathroom had the same pink, gold laced, walls as the room, and held the same pink color scheme. The only difference was the modern, golden, double vanity sink and walk-in shower, and marble toilet.  Ammie was in the middle of this, rushing to be ready for school at a pace most would consider leisurely. Once she was done however, it would make sense to most why it took so long.
  Ammie's clothes were extravagantly pink, much like her room. She was wearing what she thought seemed right for the cold late September weather, which was a glitter and hot pink stripped sweater with self inflicted stickers on the sleeves in a straight line. They were all pink cupcakes with glitter all over. She then had on pink jeans with pink glitter that ended at the ankles. Her shoes were furry sliver boots, with glitter everywhere and pink buttons up and down. Lastly her hair was worn down, and she had no makeup on, not believable to most because her perfect complexion. She grabbed her pink, cat shaped, book bag from the corner and walked down the stairs.
  Her mother was in the kitchen when she came down, cutting lettuce with a big knife. This made Ammie freeze in the archway.
  Her dream. The bloody, battered appearance of her mother. All of this made her scared, and she stayed frozen in place. Her mother eventually looked up from the lettuce and stared up at her, smiling.
  "Good morning Ammie! Are you ready for school?" Ammie was unresponsive but her mother didn't seem to notice. " I'm just finishing up your lunch for today. Cesar salad, your favorite!"
   Ammie still didn't say a word. She was staring directly at the knife in her mother's hand. The glint on the surface. The quick up and down motions. Almost makes you want to ki-
"Ammie, honey, are you alright?" Ammie immediately snapped out of whatever trance she was in. " Yes mom, I was just.... thinking." She immediately turned her searching look into a smile. " Well then, let's go to school!" Ammie said hurriedly. Her mom finished the salad and put it into her lunch bag that had glittered pink flowers and stickers everywhere. They then went to her mom's white SUV. Ammie sat next to her mom in the front, twiddling with her fingers to keep the dream off her mind. The leather felt cold against her back, giving her the same shivers she felt from the dream. She tried to think of something else.  At least the seats aren't as bad as the buses.
  Ammie used to ride the bus, but stopped doing so two years ago. It was a very rowdy bus, and she was right in the middle of it. People made fun of her a lot, but she really didn't understand what they were talking about. It wasn't until the bus driver, Mr. Stellecto, heard the comments that they talked to her parents for other means of transportation. Ammie still was as naïve as before and still doesn't understand the rude comments to her.
  When she was out of her thoughts, she realized the car was already moving. Her mother was humming and didn't notice her blank expression all the while. After about 5 minutes of comfortable silence, They arrived at Ammie's high school. That's right, high school.
      People wouldn't expect such a naive and girly girl such as Ammie could be any older that 12, but actually she had just started her freshman year. Her school was Broidsville High School, named after her city, Broidsville, Oregon. It was a small town, built on suburban homes. It had one high school, two middle schools, and one elementary school.
   Bye Ammie!" Her mother screamed as she got out of the car. She then quickly drove away. As she walked up to the school she took in the scenery. She does this every morning, looking at everyone and their happy lives, not really noticing her. It seemed to make her happier about her life. Just looking at the smiles on those peoples faces as they play around with their friends before the day ends. Today she noticed there was a a thicker crowd of people outside though. As she walked down crosswalk  towards the main entrance, it was revealed why. The group of people were surrounding a fight. The screams of one girl seemed to outway another, so it was obviously not evenly matched. Ammie started getting worried, so she tried to move her way through the crowd. No one noticed her because her small form, so it wasn't hard to find a place in the front.
  The place was in a wreck. People shouting incoherently hurt her ears. They had their eyes glued to the catfight in the circle. It was Desdemona and some other girl, who sadly decided to get in her way. There was blood on both of them, most likely from the other girls nose, lip, and scarred arm. Desdemona was obviously winning, she only had scattered scratches. She was pulling at her contenders hair, feral screaming coming from her mouth. Brown hair clumps fell everywhere, the owner was already unconscious. The crowd cheered loudly at the triumph Desdemona had.
Ammie felt like throwing up. Why would these people do such things to one another? It made her hyperventilate slightly, still looking at the scene in front of her. She held her chest in shock. The most unnerving thing was, she felt a hint of happiness. Happiness at the bloody, ravenous, confusion filled event. Gratitude at Desdemona for beating the pulp out of that girl. Besides, she probably deserved it right? And watching people suffer now looked like her new favorite pastime. As a faint smile escaped her lips, Desdemona looked straight at her.
The conflicting feelings fell away, and fear was in its place.
"What're  you looking at?" She said, spitting out blood in Ammie's general direction. Wasn't she looking at what everyone else was? But Ammie found the courage to reply.
"Desde, why are you hurting this girl so badly? She doesn't deserve this pain! Why don't you talk it out?"
Silence. Then,  the whole crowd burst out laughing and Desdemona gave her an incredulous look.
"You want me to beat you to a pulp instead?" She exclaimed as the crowd quieted down. They were waiting for Ammie's response. It would be fun seeing someone else being beat up.
Something other than courage filled Ammie's thoughts. It was hatred. She needed to teach this girl a lesson, show her her place. This really didn't make all that sense to Ammie herself, she was 5 4" and couldn't even make bunnies scared. She all but neglected that though, and smiled at her opponent.
" Wanna go?" She said slyly, answering the crowds crys. Most of them didn't know Ammie, and didn't know that she would usually never say something like that. But Desdemona did.
   And at the very least, she was scared. The girl she had bullied since 7th grade had just had a sudden change in demeanor. That smile wasn't from the girl she knew. The girl she knew would either go on talking about the importance of friendship and some shit like that, or whimper away like a baby. She was in shock for a moment, but she did have a crowd to please, and this wasn't the time to question how a bunny like her had grown some balls.
  Her face contorted back to smirk as she replied, "I would love to, Pinkerella."
  She stood up, dusted off imaginary dust, and got in a fighting stance. She could beat a bunny like her any day. But what she didn't know, is that Ammie wasn't looking at her stance, smile, or her last competitor that was crippled on the floor. She was looking at her eyes.
Ammie could almost feel the fear radiating off of Desdemona, she tried to push it down, but she could see it in her eyes. In her eyes she knew Desdemona was afraid of her. And as her smile widened she agreed with her competitor, she had every right to be.
The smile Ammie gave as she stepped into the temporary pit made by student sent shivers down Desdemona's spine. Maybe she was getting in over her he-
The crowd quickly dispersed, and Ammie snapped out of the trance she was in. What was that? How could she say any of the things she just uttered? That sadistic smile was just like the one in her dream.......
As she was standing there, still in shock of her actions, Desdemona gave her a death glare. She whispered through gritted teeth, "This isn't over, Princess."
  She then left quickly after, and the teacher that shouted had just come up to the unconscious girl.
"HEY! what are you still doing here!" He leaned over the victim and seemed to mutter something about being underpaid. "Get to class! Before I suspend you!"
Ammie quickly recovered from the shock and picked up the cat book bag she hadn't realized she dropped.  As she scurried to class she couldn't help but reflect on her actions. Just like Desde said, this wasn't going to be over soon. She had only just begun falling.

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