No Backward Glances

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Desdemona's POV

I was roaming the street. I had a task at hand, which included walking around pointlessly until I get into trouble. My house was boring, and all my friends were at school. It was a sunny Thursday morning, and I was trying to stay out of my 'humble' abode until my mom was done with whatever she was 'doing'. The cracked and gravely concrete of my poor neighborhood crunched satisfyingly on my black boots, and I stared ahead looking for activity. There was nothing anywhere. All in all, it was a mutually boring day.
I sighed in agitation. Why was it when I wanted things to happen they never did? I dwelled on the wrong of the world and paced down the god forbidden sidewalk until, something had gotten my attention.
   A shimmering was coming from the front of an abandoned drug store to my right. A felt a little fear, then denial. It was most likely just the sun.
     I walked away from the place I saw this abnormality faster than I should've, I knew I didn't believe my own words. But why would I be scared of something? Wasn't activity and trouble the thing I wanted?
I stood in place, contemplating going back to the mysterious glinting of light. Wait, why was I thinking so hard on this? It was most indefinitely just the sun, right? I turned back to the store building. The light was still there. My breath quickened. I still hesitated approaching whatever might be there, but now with underlying fear.
It seemed to silhouette a crouching figure. What in tarnation could that be?
    I mentally groaned at that thought. Charles, my mom's past 'lover', had a rich, annoying, South Carolinian accent. It must had rubbed off on me.
I shook my head with vigor. Now was not the time for stupid thoughts! I needed to figure out what exactly was going on!
I stepped backwards lightly to the place the apparition appeared. It didn't move from the spot I saw it, and the light wavered a little. Why did weird things have to start happening to me? First, Ammie stood up to me, and now this!
Wait, when was I ever on first name terms with that brat? I shivered with disdain. My day was just getting worse and worse.
I turned on my heel, then, slowly, approached the shimmering figure. It got up from its crouching like it noticed me. I staggered back. It, it moved!
I knew I should've ran away right then and there. I knew I shouldn't mess with things like this. Call it a god-complex if you like, but I decided to go forward. You know, something like this couldn't hurt a person like me!
Trust me, I doubted even myself when I thought that.
I pushed forward anyway, rather recklessly. With huge steps that sunk into the sandy loam, I reached my destination, 3 or 4 feet away from the oddity.
Well, there was no turning back now. I thought of my mom's lover from when I was in 8th grade. He always sang this song from a play, I think it was called The Man of the Opera?
'Past the point of no return'
If any song related to my situation more than that one right now.
I sighed. I was stalling. I looked right in front me where the outline should be.
I fell in the dirt in shock. An outline of a hand was about to touch me! I was still staring. It was in the same position, as if it were also in shock. I shivered. This had gone too far.
'Past the point of no return.'
I hoped that I didn't go past that point right now. I hoped running away was an option. Any sort of complex was gone from my mind. Horror was the only thing on my mind.
The thing suddenly moved. It squatted then waved! I scooted back on my behind. It hurt, and my black jeans were probably stained by the soil, but it didn't affect me at the moment. My eyes were widened, searching for the slightest move in the thing in front of me. Suddenly it ran for me.
   I was petrified. It was nearing me when it, somehow, tripped on a large rock. It fell, and I thought it would fall on me. I closed my eyes for an impact that never came. Instead, an overwhelming cold past over me. I shivered like I was in the North Pole. It was unbearable until the cold suddenly stopped. I sat there, eyes widened and glazed over, shocked about this turn of events.
'Past the point of no return, no backward glances'
How could a song relate to my situation so much. I groaned. I was still completely horrified, but I basked in the irony.
"What song is that Desde?"
My breath caught in my throat as I looked around.
Ammie? Was she here to taunt me? My stricken face turned to anger. Like she would do any better in this scenario! I looked around so fast I probably should've gotten whiplash. She needed to pay.
"What did I do Desde? Why were you afraid?"
Still no sign of the brat. I was getting furious. Then I sighed. I was getting worked up over nothing. It would be better to listen to the idiot's speech then beat her up later. I replied, "Why are you here?"
My voice sounded exhausted. I've never seen myself in such a pitiful state.
"Well, this is weird, but I saw you glowing so I came near you. You seemed to be the only person who noticed me! I've been walking home and everybody acts like I'm not even there! Isn't that weird Desde? I honestly don't think I'm even talking to you and I'm in a dream because it's dark like all my other dreams and there is a hazy figure of you in the distance! Weird things keep happening! Like when I was at home..."
At that point in this brats speech she was talking to fast for me to even comprehend. Maybe it was her voice, but it was giving me a headache. I groaned. What was she even talking about! I got fed up.
"Will you shut up!" The prats voice quieted.
"Oh, sorry Desde!"
Then I realized something.
The sound was coming from everywhere! What was happening? I looked around slowly. Nothing. Was I going insane?
  "You know, I was thinking along the same lines to! I kept imagining hurting you and my family, please forgive me, so I ran away!"
  Wait what was she she talking about? Along the same lines of as what?
"Being insane silly! Didn't you say it?"
"I didn't say it I...... thought it"
  I gasped. I was imagining it all.
Ammie's POV

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