Time and Place, Face to Face

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  By the end of her and Ammie's elaboration, Desdemona was enlightened, to say the least.

  "So, you ran away like an idiot because you thought you were evil, and then it turned out half of you actually was? And now that half of you is walking the streets with your body?"

   Summing up the main points of the conversation, Desdemona found it unbelievable, like the plot to a dynamic television show. Although, as Ammie, or what it appeared to be, half of her, nodded her head with a grim look, Desdemona could not help but believe her. There was one problem, though.

   "How do you expect me to help?" It might of appeared a tad bit selfish, but Desdemona had not a single feasible idea how to help Ammie without losing some sort of appendage on an ancient quest. Desdemona cringed a little in her place on the bed. It might be obvious to someone that she did not want this to happen.

   "Just, please help me find the other Ammie."


   That actually appeared to be...not fatal. Magic must be simpler than she thought.

   Desdemona nodded in agreement, before hesitating. A sly look appeared on her face.

  "And what do you suppose I get in return?"

    It was not as if Desdemona could just give away her help for free. Living in mostly impoverished neighborhood, the people around here knew retribution had to be involved. It appeared Ammie had already thought of this though, as she did not hesitate to answer.

    "My family is not that..modest in funds. If you help, I can help get you and your mother out of the ghetto."

   Desdemona's heart burst with appreciation as a thing she had not felt for a long while filled her mind.

    She could suck up to anyone for that. Even the newly improved, rich, white girl in front of her.
Desdemona finally, without any hesitation, nodded in agreement.

   Yeah, that would work.
Ammie groaned in exasperation, hiding in the shroud of darkness she had found in an alley way, by the newly built supermarket.

   The magically changing physical features situation had not gotten any better, besides the amount of deviant deeds she committed throughout the night.

   Through the events Ammie caused, she always felt some semblance of remorse, some ache of judgment.

   And the endless weight of guilt.
And by morning, the feeling had gotten unbearable. She had thought her first night without the half of her that now, was only a sparkly haunt of her memories, would be exciting and fulfilling.

   But as she slumped in her unofficially dubbed corner of annoyance, all she could take from her night was, of course, annoyance.
   Don't get her wrong, the beginning moments were monumental, but as soon as the gray hairs appeared...
   Ammie focused her vision on the slits of silver laying precariously on her face. She puffed them away in grievance.
   Although on a whim, Ammie guessed two halves of the same person could not stay apart for long. Her and the more stupid Ammie were probably fusing more and more together as they spoke, if the now 3/4's of mid-gray hair told her anything.
   Either that conclusion, or she was going into an early retirment.

Ammie snorted.

   As if that weren't already happening.
Although daunting, the only thing she could do now would be go back homeward to her white trash of a mother.

Ammie groaned.

   And, of course, that groan had to attract someone's attention.
From Ammie's point of view, well at this certain point, Desdemona's life style was... modest, at best.

   Her mother didn't do much, well in the morning time. Ammie could take a guess at her nightly activities.

   The neighborhood, or a jumbled mess of poorly made townhouses, stacked up on one another or spaced out into ominous alleys— that thought stirred a shiver from Ammie—, was not even close to her thoughts of modesty.

   And at that moment, staring downward at the damp object that fazed through her intangible feet, Ammie thought it better that this place, or even this entire district of town, should be burned down.

   But then as Desdemona turned back towards her, appearing to be occupied by the task she had given her, Ammie felt bad and revised her thoughts.

  They should burn every one of those houses.

  Except for hers.
Well, at least, at this moment, Ammie got some sort of experience out of her rebellious escapade.

   She now knows what the frigid insides of a police investigation room looks like.

   Ammie slumped in the metal chair, just slightly worried she would get tetanus from the reddish rust she found forming in its corners. She could not muster up enough energy to become angry. Ammie then groaned, seeing most of her hair was a shade of gray.

   She did not think she could even do so anymore.

   The police officer, a man with an oddly cold glare—not that it fazed Ammie much— was most likely calling her parents with her given name that he glared out of her. And after he left to call them and his most likely novice partner gawked at her agreeably idiotic name, Ammie— "Who puts two M's in Ammie?"— Lake, she was shoved roughly into here.

   Not that it would help in this situation, but on one of her mother's cop shows, it said that if your finger touched the reflected finger in the mirror, it was a two-way mirror.

   Ammie knew that this police one was obviously one, so they could view her from the other side, but she still stood up and drawled over to where the large mirror was, smiling deviously.

She raised her middle finger.

   Unsurprisingly, the finger and the finger in the mirror touched.

   Surprisingly, her mother came bursting through that heavy, supposedly locked door, and tripped unceremoniously onto the floor.
As it turned out, Desdemona did not have to look for the now only occasionally devious Ammie.

   She came skipping back to them.

   Quite literally, since as Desdemona continued to skip the bane of her existence, or education via public school, a gray haired with hints of blond girl that looked oddly like an angst and hatred filled alter of Ammie bumped into her. They were on a sidewalk, leading to the nearest grocery store. Seeing herself, not translucent,
Ammie gasped.
   Seeing herself, behind the equally angst filled girl,  Ammie stopped.
   Then, slowly walked backward, as Desdemona's chest was heaving, craning her neck as she looked back and forth at the two Ammie's. There was silence as they both thought of what they were going to do after this encounter.
   Ammie did the only thing she felt she could have done.
She turned abruptly and ran.

   "...WAIT! ...." Desdemona yelled, completely bewildered.
  She wasn't sure if this was her life, or some long acid trip anymore.
A/N: If you haven't noticed, I changed the formatting cause the other one was SUPER BLOCKY. It made everything boring! Sorry for not updating for like the third time. LOL, I try....
Next time: What will happen to the two Ammie's? Will They fuse back together? Are Desdemona and Ammie warming up to each other? Will I actually update at a good time? Find out....next.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2017 ⏰

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