More Than Just That

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Desdemona's POV
As I got inside the school building, still staggering from the events that had happened before, I waited for my eyes to adjust to the darkened hallway lights. The air was cold, as always, and helped me calm down from my high. That was the third fight this week. This one really didn't need to start, that over prepped girl simply didn't know her place. The hallways were empty, all of the crowd from before had already found their designated classroom, and I decided to walk leisurely and figure things out.
I was already late, and I have been before. Some not even on my own account. A gang fight, drug dealing, you name it. I couldn't control the environment I was in. But it wasn't really my fault. I might be sounding cliche here, but I didn't pick the life I got.
My mother had a respectable job of an accountant before my dad left and took all of our money. He beat both of us before that, I barely remember, I was only 9. You see, thats when she got introduced to stripping, to make ends meet. She's now a hooker, pretty neglecting of my needs and wants. Although, I can't really blame her. I'm usually out of the small apartment building we share. One day, while I was out, I decided to make my own money, you know, to help make ends meet. I went all over town, thinking I could even make enough income to allow my mother not to strip anymore. Man was I wrong.
   I stepped lightly as I went inside the school restroom, just in case a teacher or another student was around. As I looked around the corner and found no one visible, I walked immediately to the sink. I just needed to think about what's happened.
'So, what did happen?' I asked myself as I opened the bathroom faucet. Well, I was fighting that no-life because she thought she was tough, then suddenly that bunny got my attention. Ammie Lake.
  The name sent shivers down my spine, or maybe it was just the cold water I lathered against my face.
But why? She couldn't hurt me, she's never fought back before, what changed?
I've known Ammie since we were in 7th grade. I had just moved to that school, Anders Middle, because apparently I was 'a disruptive influence on others students' and ' couldn't go several minutes without injuring myself or others.' It wasn't my fault other snooty kids decided to bully me because of my clothes, the way I talked, or even my parents. Why couldn't I fight back?
  So as I was walking down the halls that day, at my new school, Ammie was a locker away from me. Her backside already upset me, the clothes she wore, the golden hair, it all reminded me of the people at the old hell hole. But I decided to leave her be, since I needed to at least keep my record clear for the first day. That is, until she turned around.
   I stopped wiping my face with a paper towel and stared at the blank, prison looking wall in remembrance. She stared at me with an over obsessive smile on her face. It annoyed me how perfect she looked, the aura she showed. But what really set me off was her eyes. I'm not trying to be weird in any way but, her eyes seemed so innocent, so kind. They stared into me like a flashlight, and I just couldn't take it! Those eyes made me want to beat that girl into the ground, say all the cliche movie liners I could find that were somewhat offensive, and hurt her all the different ways I could, until she was as war-torn as me! I'm not that bad a person, I wouldn't pick on someone if they did completely nothing, but the innocence and love in her eyes made me do so. She probably has everything that I don't, and I couldn't stand that. So, that same day, I had been suspended for a week-and-a-half.
Only, the eyes I saw just a couple minutes ago weren't the same in the slightest. I shivered again as I got a paper towel to wipe my hands with.
Those eyes were cold. Unfeeling. Like she could kill someone and be happy about it. I knew something changed as soon as I looked at her, but I held up my tough act anyway. I don't know why, but I'm glad I didn't have to fight her. How could her eyes make me fear her so much? Isn't she just an immature, small, annoying girl?
  No, something changed. Something I didn't like.
  I was about to leave the quiet restroom, but I abruptly turned around to look at myself in the mirror.
Why should I be afraid of her? If she's going to try to stand up to me, fine. She'll lose. No matter how scary she prepped herself to be. At the very least, she'll throw away the perfect life she seems to have. And I'll be ready to do it for her.
  I left the restroom, now restored to the way I was before the fight happened. Nothing was going to happen that I couldn't handle.
  As I walked through the barren hallways, I found my Econ class. I didn't open the door or close it at all quietly, but no one said anything about it. As I sat down and slouched in my cold desk, I stared blankly at the teacher until the bell rang and woke me from my daze. I gathered my stuff to go to my locker.
But as I was approaching my next class, Physics, I saw Ammie again. She didn't look at all as I saw her before. The innocence and happiness in her eyes was restored, she only looked slightly worried.
This made me angry. I put so much effort thinking about this girl, how much she scared me. Why was I even afraid of her in the first place? She was just a pretty girl that didn't know her place. I was about to shout at her, until she noticed me. As she turned around she said, "Oh! Desde! I'm so glad I found you! I'm so sorry about earlier today! I don't know what got a hold of me! No hard feelings?"
I was just standing there, shocked. People passed us in the hallway, but I didn't notice them. She tilted her head to the side to show confusion, then asked in a worried tone, "Desde, are you ok?"
  I immediately became infuriated. This, this little shit, had the nerve to apologize to my face! Didn't she just want to fight me moments ago?!  I MORE than just hated her at this point!
  I couldn't hold back my anger, so I lunged. This prepped princess couldn't make fun of me any longer!
To make a long story short, I felt satisfied by the time I went to the office, and went home early with two weeks of suspension.

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