The Lines Have Blurred

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Ammie and Desdemona were both incredibly confused.
Desdemona was hyperventilating, she didn't want whatever was in front of her to kill her.
Ammie was worried, she just wanted to help Desdemona.
So, when Ammie heard Desdemona scream and abruptly fall into the ground, all she wanted to do was help.
Which did not, in any way, help Desdemona's predicament.
Variations of that screamed reply went on as Ammie walked forward to Desdemona attempting to 'comfort' her.
Ammie just could not understand what the problem was. She was staring right at Ammie, what did she mean by 'demon'? Then, Ammie had a punch full of realization.
"Oh, Desde! I'm not a demon! It's Ammie! Is that what's wrong Desde? I just want to help!"
Desdemona just kept screaming as Ammie stood, trying to calm her down. This went on until-
  "SHUT UP!"
   Desdemona's voice silenced in shock. Ammie gasped as soon as the shout was out of her mouth, as if she was not the one who said it.
    If either were not in utter disbelief, they would have noticed the ebony feathers on Ammie's tail and the black strip in Ammie's hair when they both glowed a sickly green.
Flashbacks from her dreams and the previous day fluttered and clouded Ammie's mind as her fear returned. She could not hurt someone! Why did these events keep occurring? Ammie stood, mouth open wide enough to literally capture flies, until Desdemona was pushed out of her stupor by the realization that it had been to quiet for way to long, and waved her hand in front of Ammie's face.
Ammie flinched back from the appendage, it was to close for comfort. She did not enjoy where her dialogue began to lead, and she couldn't hurt Desde.
Then, almost suddenly, Ammie's mouth closed briskly, showing her new found determination, making recognizable clamping noise.
"Desde, I need your help."
She said this with a courage Desdemona had never seen before in her, and dove her gaze straight into Desdemona's eyes.
Then, like a kicked puppy, she bounced back, eyes losing luster.
Ammie felt happy being in the city. It was a merciless place, one that accommodated her many 'skills'. Maybe it was the musty darkened-with-soot air, or the prickly bottles on the sidewalk, but Rossen made her feel right at home.
Speaking of home, Ammie's mother was not an idiot. She most indefinitely called the cops right after Ammie left. She did need to go home, sooner or later someone would find her.
Ammie sighed with discontent, then remembered something.
Most of Ammie's bad memories were usually pushed the part of the self conscious she used to resign in. A commercial that was on one of those investigation shows her mother loved to watch punctured her thoughts.
'Kidnap or run-away cases can only be investigated 24 hours after the person has gone missing. Until then, see if the person has tried to contact you, or has been seen around your area. Watch Cold Blooded Murder on IDC, 8:00 pm est. for more.'
This was a horrendous memory for Ammie because, as naive as she was, she thought she was going to be kidnapped just because of the commercial.
Ammie shook her head in disgust. She always despised the former controller of this body. There was one piece of information that really upped her mood though.
'Kidnap or run-away cases can only be investigated 24 hours after the person has gone missing.'
That meant she still had time to do what she wanted before the fuzz were on her case! She left her basket-case of a mother 4pm on Wednesday, so she could return Thursday night and not get caught! Ammie smiled creepily at her gloomy surroundings, and finally took notice to where she was walking.
That was all the time she needed to have some fun.
"Wow! I love what you've done with your room Desde!"
Weirdly, the words coming from Ammie's mouth sounded sarcastic, and she shook her head slowly in confusion. Ammie really did enjoy Desdemona's room though, she found the dirt colored walls and the shaggy yellow carpet....abstract. There were limp and tearing posters that had knives and things that were not necessarily rated G. Ammie found these helpful in displaying Desdemona's views on the world. Also, the musky, smoky, heavy smell in the room wasn't gross, it made the enclosement feel more homey, in Ammie's opinion.
Not looking up from where she was mustering up things in her ebony, spike covered chest, Desdemona replied, "I'd rather have this trash hole then your gum ball machine of room."
Although, staring up from her open chest and at the apartment room with minuscule amount of things in it, Desdemona knew she didn't mean those words. It filled her with so much hatred, staring at all the things she didn't have compared to Ammie. As the hatred rose, she turned on her heel and asked, with gritted teeth, "Why are you even here again?"
"Oh! Did I not tell you Desde? Weird things keep happening, and you seem to be the only person that can see me! I need your help."
The sentence ended off more serious than it started, and that weirded Desdemona out.
The things that Ammie uttered were true though, as they passed the door up to Desdemona's part of the rusty apartment, her mother, who was lying on the couch, didn't even seem to register Ammie's presence as she said, "Hi sweetie, buy some groceries later," or something along those lines. Ammie was talking over her mother's words, and Desde had learned not to really listen to her mother, since it was usually the same sentence, just rephrased.
Not to mention the countless amount of raggedy bystanders on their way back to her house that grunted at Desdemona in respect or hatred, but didn't even look in the general direction of the tailed, translucent, skipping girl. One even literally walked through Ammie, and that freaked either of them out enough to stop walking and stare in shock. Not trying to be weird though, Desdemona quickly brought back her cool composure, and walked on, not looking back to see if Ammie was following.
   Desdemona sighed in disdain. She probably needed to help this apparition of Ammie, if not it would converse her to death. She wasn't exactly sure if this was Ammie or not though.
   "So, why are you like....that?"
    Desdemona turned and pointed at Ammie, as if explaining her reason for confusion.
    Ammie decided she should tell Desde slower than last time, so she could get the main points. It never really occurred to Ammie until now that her behavior could be considered as annoying. Kindness is all she's ever tried to show, and she wanted people to overall, perceive as plainly, a kind person. She also never noticed Desdemona could be kind. It did not seem rude in her head, but she thought Desde could not be kind, she was lost, and needed her help and kindness, apparently.
Although, now all her views seemed shallow and one sided to her. Desdemona is a complex human being, with more feelings than just hatred. Ammie only ever characterized people as nice, or needed her friendship. Maybe Desdemona didn't want to become friends with her, who was she kidding, didn't even like her, because she didn't act at all like a complex person with emotion more than just happiness and love.
     So she started her tale, more insightful and thoughtful than she ever was before, and spoke without her cheery manner, but a polite and simple one.
    If they both were not entrapped by the conversation, they would have noticed Ammie's strip of black hair was larger, covering one 1/4 of her bob cut, only it was a light gray.
   They also might have noticed that 7 feathers on Ammie's tail were now that same gray pigment, and there weren't any ebony there as well.
  Something else they might have noticed is Ammie's glow faded to a light glistening.
   Something they would not have noticed though, was her translucent form was slightly more transparent than it was before.
  The witching hour had just begun, and Ammie took pride in creating havoc.
  "Hey give that back!"
  In hindsight, stealing a dagger from a gang member/drug dealer wasn't the best source of havoc, but then again, who really cared?
   Well no one, except for the person it was stolen from, apparently.
  Ammie ran down the street, laughing maniacally back at the slow, sweaty, dark skinned man. She let him catch up, of course, allowed him to think he had the upper hand.
    As she ran into a dark alleyway, purposely cornering herself, she stopped laughing and let a large, sickening grin crawl onto her face.
Almost the same malice filled smile shone on the man's face, as he slowly neared her, looking for any fear registered in her face. That's when Ammie stopped playing his sick game, and began to play her own.
Before he could even possibly know he was being played, his own stolen blade slashed the man's neck. Ammie laughed loudly at his incoherent sputters and chokes, as blood splattered out of the open wound.
Ammie did this on purpose, death would not come upon him quick, and as he fell to the floor in an unceremonious flop, she would watch him suffer.
After all, was it not his fault for chasing her?
Although, something tugged at her chest that she couldn't quite register.
It was a weight kind of feeling, and it made her feel sickly. She ignored it and laughed on.
The blood seeped into the concrete, and as Ammie's eyes followed its path, her hair moved into her eyes.
She screamed at the change.
From the bottoms, her hair was now half light gray. The scalp was still black, to Ammie's relief, although she thought back to the hair color changes in Ammie's dreams. Realization hit her from inference, and she caught on to what was happening.
Suddenly, rage filled Ammie's senses, deepening of the weight feeling in the pit of her stomach.
As the last wheeze of the man she murdered in the dark alleyway escaped his mouth, she knew what the weight was.
NEXT TIME: What's happening to both Ammies' hair? (I expect more from you READERS if you can't hint that one out) What's happening to soul Ammie in general? What's Desdemona going to DO to help Ammie? Can she even help her? Do I even know the answer to the last two question? Maybe, maybe not, you'll find out next time.......

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