poem 25

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     I love him and I love him and I keep on loving him because I have and always will love him inexplicably, with no question and no reason behind it, because no matter what I do in my life he is there and he is present in my mind and in my sight and in the way I take every breath throughout my day, and with no regrets I will love him and we fight for the ones we love, because I will never stop trying to convince him to turn towards the light as we are a perfect match and I am not the only person who can see that because yes we argue, and yes we fight, and yes, sometimes we even hate each other but when we aren't hating each other we're loving, we're sitting in a tiny car in the heat waiting for the AC to kick in and we're laughing so hard that there isn't noise leaving our mouths just the lack of exhalation as we gasp and I can't remember what we were laughing about but at that point in time it is the most hilarious thing either of us has ever heard, and yes, we argue, but we will never stop fighting because we are always fighting for a chance in this world and we've had our first chance and let me tell you about that first chance- it was short, and it was sweet, and it was awkward with a dash of fumbling in the dark of a stairwell as we kissed for the very first time and we couldn't touch enough as our hands grasped at cloth and skin and fabric and more skin and suddenly we're on the ground and still we're not close enough and then yes, we had a second chance and let me tell you about that second chance because it was almost exactly a year later but it was still just as fresh and light as the first- it was fun, it was flirty, and it was love as any of us know love, because for the first time we said we loved each other and that was a big deal for us because he never told anyone he loved them, ever, and there were nights when he couldn't tell me enough that he loved the way I scrunched my nose and he loved the way I made him laugh until he couldn't breathe and I thought that that second chance was the one, the chance that we had needed, as we had both grown and we were growing together, as if we were two vines that had separated at the root and wound around a tree to come back together and twist into one, singular, vine, and for almost the same length of time as the first chance we were in love but then you decided it wasn't the type of love you wanted to be in and I told you that I hated you and for a month I hated you and for a month I regretted ever having met you because you had broken my heart and I wanted what I had of my innocence back but that had been taken from me and used up by you and it couldn't be returned so for a month I hated you in silence and then my hate got loud and it got fierce, because I wanted you to know what you'd done, but I couldn't get my message across so instead I forgave you but that second chance was the last chance I had and still I'm trying to convince you that you had made a mistake, because it's me, it's me you should be driving around with, your hand on my knee with your thumb rubbing circles into my skin because that's the type of simplicity I want with you, and because I know that we are a perfect match and I am not the only person who sees it, in fact I believe you're the only person who can't. so I love you and I love you and I will continue loving you because that is the only chance we have in this world.

-he will never realize that his soulmate has been beside him for three years{a•m}

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