6.Marry me

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“How dare you to do that something with my sis.” I shouted at him angrily as I took a hold of his collar.

“You don't even an idea what I could do ,so better be in your limit and it's just trailer sweetheart so don't lose your patience. ” He smirked at me and jerked my hand away to his collar.

“Low your pitch, I don't like when someone raises their voice infront of me and don't you dare to hold my collar again or else it wouldn't be good in your favour .” He warned me in icy cold voice.”

“What you want ?why are you doing all this?” I asked .

“Because of you Sanyukta ,Just because of you! You had yelled at me ,hadn't you.And i don't like those people who raise their voice in front of me and you just crossed that limit ,that night.” He stated with rage

You know what you are sick.you are sick Randhir Singh Shekhawat .you are sick .Just because I pointed out your mistakes, you want to ruin my arpi’s reputation but you are forgetting Mr Shekhawat ,your brother is also in these pictures.

“I don't even care about anyone ,I just do mine!” He stated in a stern voice looking straight at me

“You are disgusting! ” I commented and tore those pictures apart then turning my heels I turned to leave when I heard his evil laugh from behind.

“What do you think I would have no copies of those picture .” I just turned around to heard him and found him looking at me with a smirk.

“Give me all copies.”

“Its sounds like you are giving me order,when I should be one to give you that!” He chuckled folding his arm across his chest .

And I just rolled my eyes over his statement. I did't care what he thought about me .I just wanted to get those pictures of them at any cost..

“So be polite lady! ” He added leaning his back against the table.

Taking a deep breath ,I tried to calm myself before,massaging his male fat ego.

“Please give me their all pictures and I'm sorry about last night,I didn't talk to you in that impolite way.I m really sorry,”

Those were just words not my real feeling.I wanted to punch him till he lost his all conscious but i couldn't do that.I had never apologised to anyone in such way but this man he made me apologised that too when I had not my faults.

“What do you think I did all this just to get your so fake apologize! No darling ,Not at all.” he said looking at me with amusement as I was some clowns or what which was there to entertaining him and I just hated that look.

“What do you want?Do you want money ?Just let me know ,I'll give you enough to...I asked desperately but stopped to realise that he himself a billionaire.

“Your are a Brat but a idiot one” He scoffed at me and again I was feeling like smashing his face

“Then what you want? ” I yelled at him ,enough to his nonsense.

“I said low Your pitch, I don't like to repeat myself.” He warned me with clenched jaw.

“So you want to know what I want!” I just looked at him as he taking a breath, smirked at me.

“Actually today I'm in a very good mood ,so I thought to do a favour on you,what say! ” straightening himself, he moved towards me and stopped just inches away to me.

And I was doing which I could do that time ,shooting him the most deadly glares.

“Don't try to scared me by your big eyes and listen ,you love your sis a lot,don't you!”

“I'm warning you if you even try to do something with her, I swear I'll kill you!” I lost my patience as he mentioned about arpi.

“You again getting me wrong baby like yesterday! ” He said with sugar coated voice.

“No baby,I won't do anything with her bcz she's a sweet girl but you arent.”  He commented, gritting his teeth.

“Then what do you want to me damn it !” I again yelled at me but this time he just shook his head at me with closed eyes and sighed then opened it back and looked straight at me a while.while I was trying to  find out what was going on inside his nasty mind.

“You love your sis so much ,so I thought to keep you stay with her,what say!” He said and I just gave him a go ahead look because I knew there was something yet to come.

Marry me! I just took a step back as he finished.

“What ? Marry you! I'm not a psycho Shekhawat who would marry a psychopath like you .” pointing my index finger at him ,I shouted with my blood shot eyes and the very next moment holding my hand he turned me around and pinned my both hands behind while pulling me against his torso.

“I told you before I don't like raising voices in front of me and don't like repeat myself over and over.Ready to marry me otherwise make your mind for humiliation ,Choice is yours.Marry me at same day when Parth wedding if you don't then that pic distribute in all guest and paparazzi and believe me they would be glad to get such hot news about Suryavanshi’s elder daughter and I don't think you would like this.So ur time start now think fast.I don't have much time.I have to do some preparation for my wedding after all I will do it doing it first time.” He said against my ears and jerked me away like I had any contagious disease.

“You have just 24 hours,do it fast!” He said putting on his goggle and moved out to the cafe .


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