Part 4: The Surpirse

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Heyo guys! Here's Part 4! Hope you like it!
"Wha-" You say in shock as you see all the balloons floating around the roof of the room.

Things from teddy bears to chocolate boxes are neatly placed around your room. You feel a smile begin to slide into your face and a warmth in your chest. You haven't felt this loved or cared for in a long time. You slowly slide off your bed and look at each item Mark had placed for you.

You exit your room to go look for Mark in the recording room, but find nothing. You return to the upstairs hallway and before returning back to your room, you feel big firm hands hold your waist. You squirm and whimper as you ram into what you thought was a wall. Then you feel Mark's body and he immediately lets you go.

"Mark? Holy shit you scared me there for a second.." You say in shock as your turn to face him.

"O-oh uh, sorry (y/n), I just wanted to say hi and-". Mark started before you give him a firm hug.

"Is this my thank you?" He chuckles as you feel the moment get a bit awkward.

You nudge his shoulder in a friendly way.

"Shut up, why did you do this anyways?" You ask him as you back away.

"Well, two reasons, one because I promised..." He starts as he scratches his head.

"And two?" You question.

"We sorta left off weirdly, ya' know, with the kiss thing.." Mark says ending off in a slur.

"Look I didn't mean that, I was sorta confused and we're like siblings! I don't want that to affect us an-" You start.

"I know you liked it." Mark interrupts with a smirk.

"I know you did too, Mr. Forgot-to-breathe-when-you-kiss-guy.." You reply back.

"Touche, my friend.." Mark says in his terrible French accent. "But anyways, I just wanted to thank you..'

"For what?" You ask.

"For everything really. I know it isn't really a good time, but, you were there for me during-"

"I should be thanking you for letting me stay here.." You say warmly.

"No (y/n), during all those years.." Mark says with a slight crack in his voice.

"No Mark, I won't kiss you again.." You say to brighten the mood.

"What? Ewww..." Mark says in a 4 year old voice.

"Anyways, I just wanna have a good rest of my birthday, even though I slept through 80% of it.." You add.

"Well, lucky for you, I have another surprise.." Mark says as he signals you to follow him. "Some guests are coming over for the weekend.."

"Hm? Who is it?" You ask as you catch up to him.

"That's why it's a surprise, best-friend.." He says as he leads you to the kitchen.

"Fine...but don't get mad if I keep on bothering you about it!" You say playfully.

"Doubt it, so uh, what you you wanna eat?" Mark questions you.

"Easy. Pizza." You reply.

"Good choice..." He says as he pulls out his phone from his pockets.

You notice that he doesn't have pants with front or back pockets.

"Ew Mark, where did your phone come out off?" You ask with a slight wrinkle in your forehead.

"Oh please, you're talking to the YouTuber that plays videogames 90% naked.." Mark replies with a grin.

"Markkkk..." You say in disgust, but a slight pleasure at the same time.

"Whatever.." He says "What type?"

"Big..." You reply in a drifty voice.

"Any toppings?' Mark asks

"Oh, uh..." You stutter "Thin crust, three meat, extra cheese!" You say in unison with Mark.

"I know you so well don't I?" Mark says with pride.

"You know it!" You reply happily

"A large right? You said big.." Mark asks.

"Uh yeah! That's what I meant..." You reply in an uneasy tone.

Suddenly, you hear a loud pound at the door. Both you and Mark head toward the mudroom to the door.

"Damn, pizza already?" You point out.

"I haven't even placed the order yet..." Mark says in a doubtful voice.

You hear a muffled voice behind the door.

"Fucking American temperatures, one day it's fucking cold as balls, and the next, your fucking face melting your face off..." A Irish accent sneers.

You know there's only one person like that. And it's none other than...

"SEAN!!!" You exclaim as you throw yourself for a hug.

"SEAN???" Mark says in a questionable tone.

You hug the little Irish man and he hugs you back.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY (y/n)!!!" Sean yells excitedly.

"Uh, hello there. My name is Markiplier, if anyone remembers?" Mark interrupts with an annoyed face.

"Aw, come here Markimoo!" Sean says as he gives him a big hug.

Mark hugs Sean back with his big arms and you notice that he had a sorta uncomfortable feeling.

Was he getting jealous of that little moment I had with Sean? You think to yourself Maybe that's why he looked annoyed...

The three of you walk back to the kitchen and sit down around the table to wait for the pizza. You had met Sean before and hung out with one another, but not as much as you have with Mark.

A few minutes later after Mark had placed the order, the doorbell rang. Mark gets up and receives the pizza. He returns to find you and Sean having a laugh. 

"And that's how I--OH PIZZZAAAA!!!!!!!" Sean exclaims.

"Thank God, I'm starving.." You add.

"'s the pizza.." Mark mumbles as he lightly tosses the pizza box on the table.

The trio digs into the pizza. In minutes, they finish the whole box and start to get ready for the next video.

"Now (y/n), I have a very special video to film.." Mark says with a smirk.

"What are we playing though?" You ask Mark.

"You'll see..." He replies.

Oh no...and with Sean here...who knows what he'll do... You think.

Mark and Sean start the countdown "And we're going in three, two, one..."
By the way, 'you' call Jacksepticeye "Sean",by his real name. And Mark calls him "Jack", by his YouTube name.

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