Part 9: Party Time

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You guys proud?





Few days later

"Well. Today's the day." You sigh

"TODAY'S THE BIRTHDAY PARTY" Jack screams, causing his voice to crack. You guys all laughed

You had the best week in a while, hanging out with these two guys has been the best. For once in awhile, you feel like 

"Well. We have everyone invited. And the party starts at seven. So we have some time before it actually starts" Mark adds. You nod. But you can't help the feeling of nervousness and anxiety slowly creeping on your back

"All I hear is cake. Cake. Cake. And even more cake!" Jack coos. You laugh, Mark scoffed

"So? What are we gonna do?" You sit down in the livingroom sofa and turn on the tv. Both Mark and Jack join you.

"Not sit on our asses until the party starts" Mark's voice interrupted the dialogue of the TV, you looked over at him annoyed and confused at the same time. Jack sighs

"But I love sitting on my ass all day. That's my specialty!" Jack whined, you nod and agree.

"No wonder you have such noodle arms" Mark jokes, making jack get up immediately and looks over and Mark, making you laugh even harder and both of them

"I swear you guys are just like two little 7 year olds" you say in between your laughs, they both scoffed and continued to childishly argue

"Fine. Let's go to the mall" You interrupt both of them, they both nodded

"And can you guys stop fucking arguing like little fucking kids?" you added at the end. They both laughed

"But little kids don't fu-"

"SHUT IT MARK" You shouted, Jack bursted out of laughter, you narrowed your eyes at both of them, failing to keep a straight face. You shake you head and go upstairs to go get ready.

Some time later

"COMON (Y/N) WE'RE BOTH READY!!" You hear Mark shout. You quickly finish putting on makeup, and quickly double check if your outfit looked nice.

"I'm gonna die. Waiting for another human being justto go to a simple place" He sighed dramatically, Mark chuckled while you had just walked down the stairs, scolding both of them. They just grinned and walked outside, and you followed them.

Both Mark and Jack took the front seats. While you just sit in the middle part. You guys were jamming to the music on the radio, even if Jack didn't know the song, he would just sing along to the lyrics. Both you and Mark made fun of him.

"If you were to come Ireland. I would make fun of you!" he pointed at You and Mark. Mark didn't take his eyes off the road, but he was laughing. While you slapped Jack's arm. He scoffed and shook his head. While you scolded him.

Once you arrived at the mall, Jack and Mark were arguing on what to eat.

"Well. Guess what?" you put your hands on your hips "It's MY birthday party today. Therefore, It's MY decision on what we eat" Both Mark and Jack groaned while you just laughed evilly

Some time of shopping..?

"Clearly Five Nights At Freddy's is better than Undertale" Mark said as you guys were eating subway. Jack pops his head up.

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