Chapter 3

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I finally finished chapter 3, sorry if you guys had a long wait.

I was sick and it was something like a fever but my stomach hurt like hell and even walking was painful for me, yea even walking.

So I just stayed in my bed most of the time, it was painful like hell.

And I decided to write in bed ._.
Which was a bad idea but I did it anyways.


Fubuki was walking to the book shop
to read some books or maybe buy some books since fuppye gave them the day off to explore the island before the next match begin.

He came across a book that caught his interest, "The history of ghoul implant."

"Wait, sooo humans had actually tried to turn other humans into ghouls? How stupit can they get."

He decide to take a look inside of the book and buy it. He sat at a near by cafe and ordered a cup of coffee , there he dive deep into the mystery of human and ghoul transplant.

2013, an accident happend at a construction site taking a life of a female leaving a young male in critical conditions. A unknow doctor did a organ transplant on the young male using the organs of the dead felmale, however after the operation the doctor, the young male and female disappear. Leaving no trace at all.... that is until the 'eye patch' ghoul appeared and strike terror to the heart of the citizens, one of the citizen calms to be the 'eye patch' ghoul's friend. The 'eye patch' ghoul cause the CCG alot of trouble as the 'eye patch' and aogiri tree invaded sector 20 so did the one eye owl, mountain apes and devil dobles. Most of the ghouls in the area were taken out including the 'eye patch' ghoul , he has taken damage at the head causing him to lose his memory. Arima , decide to use this as his advantage and renamed him to Saseki Haise.

Before fubuki could continue shivers went down his spine and he closed the book.

"Man they did try to turn humans into ghouls....." fubuki thought.

Suddenly the same scent was detected by him. This time the arua was strong..... he quickly left the cafe and followed the arua to a dark alley. He didn't hesitate at all and ran down the alley.

"It's dark I can barely see anything!"

In a split second he was face to face with a infamous ghoul, the bing eater...... Rize.

"Why helloooooo there.... are you lost or you need any help....?" She said with a mischievious voice. I stood at my ground , I see wounds all over her and..... the crow! The crow that I met earlier !

"You're the one who sent that crow to spy on me! But how did you ghoul a crow? " I said. Desperate for an answer I tackled her to the ground with my kagune.

"Ohhh don't worry, you do look like a potential meal...." She said as she manages to cut my face and blood drip on her face as she broke free from my grasp.

She licked her lips and frown. "But you're not up my expectations..... however...!" She stared at me with her pair of frightening eyes. "Your friends should make a good meal!". My eyes widened. "No!"

I unleash my kagune and got into a battle with her. She fliped me over as she attempts to run out of the alley into the road filled with humans, I dug my claw like kagune deep into her left leg as she let out a howl of pain.

"ARRRRRGGGG WHY YOU LITTLE BASTARD!" She trew me onto the wall as she attempts to bite in the neck to kill me. "Well maybe I will kill you first!"
Before she manage to sink her teeth into my flesh I kicked he back as she wince in pain.


"You're weak rize , you're not as strong as before." I said with a stern voice.

"Oh... you see the doves..... they hunt me down. As you see my little friend here he helped me....." the crow flew into her arm and squawked.

"So thats why the CCG were here in the first place."

"But for your identify.... I'm sure if it won't last forever..... fubuki shirou-kun~"
rize said with a sly smile on her face.

My mind when blank for a second then I turm around to see endou and the rest and the end of the ally presumably they saw everything. The expression on their face tells everything. Horror, fear and teror.

"You......!" I turn around to see rize disappeared and fear strike my heart.

"Endou, I can explain! I..... I..." I was lost, not knowing how to face the situation. Endou said nothing. He just stood there like a idiot.

"Captain! Fubuki's a ghoul what do we do?" I see kabeyama asking endou while shacking his hands.

The rest look like they are gona have a heart attack. "ENDOU!" kazemaru said.

But the unexpected happened. Endou just walked closer and..... hugged me.

"It must be really lonely all theses years without us right? Fubuki."


Will they just accept him or not?
Or will they report him to the doves?

Find that out in the next chapter in the next few days!

Also leave a vote and comment about your favourite moment or any of my mistakes and THANK YOU

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