Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 is out, I will try to make more time on writing fanfics in my life cause writing stories isn't my official job in real life soooo yea

I'll try to make time for it. Stay awsome and remember to vote or leave a comment ← shamless advertising


Into the story........

Fubuki was stunned, he didn't know what to do. There's nothing wrong that a human actually accept a ghoul as a friend? Endou just act like nothing happened the rest seem sceptical about it, they didn't like the idea one bit.

"You must had no friend when you're younger." I still remember the times my dad brings back food and everytime I ask him where I get the food from.

"Oto-san.....where did you get the food from?" I remember the looks on his face went he tries to find an answer for that stupit question of mine. I regret asking that question as the older I grew the uglier the truth be, as that was the last question I've ever asked him.

Tears rolled down my cheek as I cried and hugged endou tighter. Everyone at the back was shocked or touched by the scean as they have never seen a ghoul cry.

While we were walking back to the base it was an awkward silence between us all. I can hear some of them at the back hesitating to call the police or not, some of them are still find it unbelievable that they are walking with a ghoul.

When we reached base everyone decide to keep it as a secret untill coach said something.

"I see you all had found that fubuki was a ghoul."

Everyone stare at coach kudou with shock. He knew he was a ghoul?

"There is nothing I won't know about my team." He stares at me with his cold eyea as they pierces right through my thoughts. I stare back coldly at him.

"I'll leave the team." I said coldy.

"Wh-what? Fubuki why?" endou said.

"I will only cause more trouble if I stay here longer, with the doves it won't be pretty." I said with cautious.

"I won't allow any of my team members to leave......... especially you fubuki, it doesn't matter if you're ghoul or not. You are still part of the family kid." Coach kudou said with a warm smile.

I don't how coach found out I'm a ghoul, as long as I'm not reported I'm safe. But I know some of the team members don't find the idea of a ghoul in the team safe.....

-~The next day~-

"KOGURE-KUN PASS THE BALL TO FUBUKI!" kidou shout at the top of his lungs.

"EH?????? HIM?"


Kogure kicked the ball torwards fubuki but the pass was too far away for him to reach it.

"What's wrong with you guys? We are a team here!" kidou was mad as hell, no one obey to his comand whenever he tells them to pass the ball to fubuki.

"But ...." kogure sound like he was about to protest but kidou gave him the death stare.

"Guys! Just because one is ghoul doesn't mean you have to treat him like that! This is not Inazuma Japan!" endou sound really angry at the fact they are not working together just because I'm a ghoul.

I'm starting to feel like I'm the problem here, I didn't want to drag the team down. No one did.

"Fubuki, come here for awhile." coach kudou suddenly called me.

"You will taking the day off and if those guys can't cooperate with each other I will quit position as coach." he said sternly.

The coach sudden decision left many of the team member speechless.

"And if you don't cool your head of I'll make sure that will come true." he said to me. I was once again on a day off, well forced.

I walk down the streets of little italy, I saw fidio and his team mate practicing on the field. Seeing them play just make fubuki wanna return to base and join in the practice.

"No, it won't be the same." fubuki said in a sad tone.

It's all because of me, because I'm a ghoul. That human eating monster that everyone hates, and I'm that monster...

Fubuki was lost in deep thoughts, thinking that karma hit him good.

"Fubuki, fubuki shirou is it?"

Fubuki turn around to see fidio standing behind with a cheerful face on.

"Oh, fidio it's just you...."


So what did fidio wanted to talk about?
Will fubuki continue to put the blame on himself?

All of this in the next chapter in afew days!

Also words of advise I believe most of the reader didn't read the warning so I am gona say this one more time.

Please to all my readers that write out there be careful this has actually happened to some of the people out there so please stay safe, write safe

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Please to all my readers that write out there be careful this has actually happened to some of the people out there so please stay safe, write safe.

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