Chapter 8

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Hello everyone, back here with another chapter for you guys. I might end up calling you guys "guys" anyway.

I am currently sick, got something like gastric. Continually vomiting maybe I write too much. And the pain is just killing me really really badly that I had to go to hospital for check up and found out it's a family disease and I can't avoid it and I may still get it in the future.

But who cares.

Toooooo the story~

"Oni-chan...... behind the alley...... is danger that awaits you..... be careful."


"Fubuki Shirou."


"You're spacing out in the meeting again." I heard haruna said.

Everyone was eyeing me, I felt kinda akward to be honest.

"Gomeh, gomeh I'll pay attention next time." I rub the back of my head.

"Ok, we will use this strategy to attack the unicorn. fubuki and hijikata will be at defense, kidou, sakuma, fudou and kurimatsu will be midfielder finally gouenji , toramaru and hiroto will be forward. Got it?"

"YES." Everyone exclaim.

As fubuki was practicing he spotted it was someone familiar, someone smirking at him. It was rize, his eyes widen he knew his friend will be in trouble.

Throughout the practice he was been on his guard perpared to attack at any moment, he didn't care if the doves will find out if his a ghoul he just wanted his friends to be safe.

"Minah! Wanna go grab some ice cream, I heard there's a great stall down the road." aki said as that got everyone's attention.

"Shit, this is not the perfect time to go out."

"Um..... may I follow you guys?"

Everyone stared at me for awhile, well it's weird for a ghoul to eat ice cream since I can't taste them. They are awful to me but at this situation I had to come up with a excuse to go with them.

"But fubuki you can't eat human food remember." tobikata said as he lift a eye brown at me.

"Well I can't just stay back at the dorm all day, right?" I said in a friendly tone trying to convince them.

"Well can't isolate him soo just let him follow us!" endou pipe up.

"Thanks, endou."

"Yosh! Let's go!"

~time skip~

We walk down the road with our ice cream in hand, I just got a cappuccino on the way.

"Sooo ghouls can drink caffeine?"


"Wait so you never need to sleep cause you will eventually drink too much?" tsunami is constantly asking me loads of question about a ghouls diet, does he not know that we eat humans already?

"Tsunami, give fubuki a break it's not like he will eventually eat us all." fudou smirk.

I never liked fudou, never once. His attitude disgust me.

"Fudou." kidou said sternly at at him.

"Yea, yea I get it." fudou shrug.

Suddenly there was a huge gust of wind, and it wasn't even the raining season. Fubuki sniff the air and found out that something was wrong.

"She's here......"

"Who's here, fubuki?"

All the sudden screams were heard from nearby shops, fubuki eyes widen as he see people runing away from something. But he didn't know what it was, the best conclusion was rize.

And yes he was right, she was just standing there smiling at him. There was blood all over her face, her eyes were piercing his soul.

"Gomeh fubuki-kun! I was just sooo sooo hungry I couldn't help it! After all I'm a ghoul...." she said with venom in her voice.

"Minah..... run."

"But what about you?"

fubuki shouted as he put his wolf mask on.

"Game on, rize." I charge at her at full speed, it was the results of my scoccer training. I manage to cut her all over her body, but she was recovering really fast.

"Oh, you look really mad~ Say does the teal hair guy taste good?" as she points at kazemaru you is runing back to the dorm with the others.

"NO!" rize was runing at a terrifying speed torwards kazemaru but fubuki manage to stop her by flinging a car right in front of her.

Rize smirk as she turns around and stabs me in the stomach, I winch in pain but quickly shoke it off.

"Oh.... the wolf is whining~ how y'all feel?" She laughed.

"Don't worry it will be quick and painless!" she was about to stab me again, this may be the end for me.....


Rize's arm fell onto the ground as it twitch viciously, I turn around to see doves coming here.



Will fubuki meet his fate?
Or will continue to live.

All of this in the next chapter~

Godammit who let it be more then 333 ;-;

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Godammit who let it be more then 333 ;-;

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