Coran Helps

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Life has taught Artifax that people without surnames are either a dragon in a gnome robe or they have a past they wish to forget. There is a man in the lower city of Balder's Gate that goes by a single name- Coran. Artifax has always seen him as a sort of kindred spirit. He was a past adventurer, turned socialite.

When Artifax's old party arrived in town, Coran had invited them to a grand ball and assisted them with the handling of delicate information concerning the dragon cult and the corrupt king's guard.

It would be in the company of Coran where Artifax would find out the best route to the Isle of Oman. Jameth had sent word that Artifact's ride west on the fleet's fastest ship, the "Razor's Edge, was already arranged. Artifax would learn about the island chain and the creatures that lived there from Coran, and then he would sail west on the "Edge" for his lady love.

That was the plan anyway... Coran explained that a direct assault on the Moonshae Archipelago would be a death sentence. It seemed that ancient giants inhabit the islands, and their perimeter had never been breached by sea vessel. It seemed that Artifax would have to assault the Iron Keep from within... somehow.

Coran had a plan. It involved Artifax traveling east for the Howling Forest. There he would seek out the Moonwell of Thray. The Moonwell would have the power to transport Artifax to the Oman Moonwell, inside the Iron Keep.

At the end of the meeting Coran sends for Yssra Brackrel. Artifax explained that Yssra might not help them based on their past together.

Wayward Tail: The Mortal Realms Trilogy, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now