Foiled Plans

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The plan was hatched. Artifax's land forces were hopelessly outnumbered, nonetheless, the giants and the eladrin rangers were ready to take the fight to the Queen. The first part of the plan was up to Gargos and Artifax.

"Do you think it will work," Artifax said to the giant and his sprite friend. "You think you can just march me into the Iron Keep as your prisoner, and the Queen will buy it?"

As always, Malena spoke for the giant man. "They have no reason to believe that the giants have switched sides."

"They will find out soon enough... if everything goes to plan." He replied.

By nightfall Malena, Gargos, and Artifax could once again see the ocean. They were on the northernmost part of the island, near the Iron Bay, when the Iron Keep came into view. It was impressive. Artifax could understand why the Northlanders were, in the past, famed mariners and pirates.

They bay was massive and the keep was intimidating. The dark stone walls loomed above the bay and cast its formidable shadow on the buildings below. They approached from the south, where the large gate was open. Northlanders and ettins came and went over the drawbridge. They scowled at Artifax as he was led into the castle, as a "prisoner."

As they made their way farther into the castle Artifax began seeing enormous creatures that were hideously deformed. He determined that these must be the Fomorian overlords that ruled over the Northlanders, the ettins, and the giants. The concentration of these creatures were mostly clustered around the throne room, where Gargos led Artifax.

Upon their entering, the bustle ceased in the room. At the head of the room, overlooking giant windows facing the bay, a massive Formorian stood. She held a staff made of gnarled wood. At the top was an iridescent sphere that looked too small for her staff. She grasped the orb and closed her eyes. Still closed, she addressed the newcomers.

 "Artifax of the Seven Heavens. Gargos and Malena... my LOYAL subjects." When her eyes finally opened Artifax could see that they had become a milky color.

She motioned to the Fomorians in the room and they transferred the prisoner to their care. Gargos hesitantly let them take Artifax into their custody. The queen approached Gargos.

Without warning, she back handed the giant. Gargos flew backward and hit the floor hard. The force of the strike knocked Malena off of Gargos' shoulder and she hit the back wall. The queen addressed the whole of the room as she raised her voice.

"Gargos! You forget that I know ALL and see ALL." She brought her attention to Artifax. "Your plan will not work 'little dragon'. Your lovely Layla will be bled tomorrow afternoon and her death will usher forth the great Kazgoroth. I will save the great brass dragon from Celestia for Kazgoroth to consume."

Gargos was just beginning to shake off the blow dealt to him. He began to stand up when the Queen made her command.

"Take them both to the dungeons. Tomorrow they will watch the rebirth of a demon."

Wayward Tail: The Mortal Realms Trilogy, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now