The Enemy of My Enemy

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The night passed in the giant's cave. Artifax slept off and on, amid the sounds of growling and howling from the open spaces on the island. When the sun crested the edge of the world, day number 13 greeted them with a gentle ocean breeze.

"Gargos and I have decided that we wish to help you on your quest," Malena said.

Artifax stretched his body at the mouth of the cave. He felt larger in the morning sun. He could feel the changes that had taken place in the well. He had apendages growing out of his back, which he could only guess were the beginnings of his dragon wings. When Malena and Gargos saw him turn toward them that morning they were startled.

"Your face..." she began. "Your face has taken on a different form. Are you dragonborn?"

Artifax wasn't sure how to answer the question. He raised his hand to his face and felt the new angles to his cheek bones and forehead. As he looked around, he noticed his vision was altered too. He saw colors of a spectrum that do not exist to humanoid eyes.

"You could say that I do have some draconic heritage in my past, yes." He finally replied. "I seek the Iron Keep. I believe they are holding my love in that place."

Gargos pounded the ground and Malena nodded. "He says that if she is a prisoner from Baldur's Gate, she will be executed on the beach near Iron Bay." She paused and made eye contact with Gargos again before continuing. "He says that the others have been executed for the last two weeks."

"What others?"

Gargos gestured. Malena spoke, "The Mad Queen is once again performing a ritual to awaken the island's demon."

"Why would she want to do that," Artifax asked as he gathered up his things.

"Queen Connomae is a Fomorian," she said. "She only cares about destruction and ruling over that destruction. She knows that there will be retribution from the main land, but when the demon king, Kazgoroth, is awakened with these ritual sacrifices, she will complete her army."


"He is a servant of both Malar and Bhaal. Lord Lycanthropy," she replied.

"Great... And the queen," Artifax asked. "Tell me about this army."

Malena began speaking as Gargos stood and walked to the cave entrance with Artifax. The sprite went with him. "The Northlanders act as her navy. Her pirates. The ettins and Firbolg giants work along side her Formorians from the Feywild."

Gargos let out a ear splitting sound from the hill where the cave was located. The sound echoed off of the hills and trees below.

Malena said, "Gargos has called a meeting of the giants. They do not wish to serve the Mad Queen any longer." She fluttered down and Artifax held out his hand for her to land in. "We will fight with you dragon man."

The giants from the island converged on the center of the island. Malena told Artifax that they were north of the great Icepeak mountain and southwest of the Iron Keep. She called the place the Cairn of Thelgarr Ironhand, the last overking of the Northlanders.

As they arrived, they had with them eladrin prisoners, a total of six in all. Artifax informed the giants, through Malena, that the eladrins would fight with them. And in that afternoon the invading force of Iron Bay was assembled: the Eladrin rangers, 14 Firbolg giants, and a dragon gnome.

Twenty-four hours, and a great battle, separated Artifax from Layla.

Wayward Tail: The Mortal Realms Trilogy, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now