A Brother Taken

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It was the end of the fifth day since Laraelra had been taken. "Nine days remaining," Artifax thought as he pulled himself back into the conversation at hand. He looked at the man before him. What potential he had. A shower, shave, and a few good meals would do him right... though there was more he needed. There was a quiver in his mannerisms. Something was broken in him.

Ladon was talking. "Your trail went cold. I had followed stories of your group from Greenest to Baldur's Gate, onto Carnath, and finally to Parnast. And there... there was a strange sight. It was as if you, and with you Azrael, had vanished."

Artifax took another drink of ale and casually said, "Floating city... It's the only way to travel."

Ladon looked confused. "And my sister still rides in this floating city?"

"I don't know. I took a short sabbatical from the adventuring life after Parnast. I went back to Baldur's Gate... and the party continued on." Artifax sighed and reflected on the last few months. "I needed a break. I had had too many death hangovers and close calls at that point. My battle against the cult is not over, but before I begin that fight again, I must go to the aid of a friend in need."

Ladon appeared to be more calm as he began to piece together the events in his mind. "I do hope your friend is not in danger." He paused for a polite amount of time before continuing with what was clearly on his mind. "I wish to battle the cult too... or to escape it rather. It is a long and complicated story."

"I gathered that from the small amount of information Azrael shared with us." Artifax looked as if he was recalling something. "I thought Azrael said that you and your brother had been killed?"

Ladon's eyes looked grim. "We were as good as dead... That night, when the cult came to punish on our family, we managed to hide Azrael. My brother, Fraenir, and I were dragged away." His story did not go into more details, but it didn't need to. After the pause in speaking, he lifted up his shirt.

The sight spoke volumes as to what the cult had done to he and his brother. Where his stomach should have been was a massive concave scar that stretched from the bottom of his chest to the his navel. "It was a sacrificial execution. They left me to bleed out, but the poison on the blade was so caustic, it actually stopped my bleeding."

"And what of your brother?"

"They did the same to him... but he is stronger than I. When he fought the pain and the blade, his force of will impressed the cultists... They dragged him away. And I haven't seen him since." Landon paused and looked deeply into Artifact's eyes. "I need to find Azrael. We must get our brother back from the cult."

Wayward Tail: The Mortal Realms Trilogy, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now