The Moonwell of Thray

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Night was in the peak of darkness when the party entered the front gate of Shinaelestra. The walls crumbled before them as the forest slowly reclaimed the stone. It was a perfect camouflage, trees and vines blanketing the towers and gates of the once great Fey castle.

The sentry led Oriander, Throk, and Artifax into what seemed to be a new forest, only, it was the courtyard of old. Plants and trees grew up there that were different than that of the Howling Forest from whence they had come. The foliage appeared to move as if breathing, and the sound of humming came from the very bark of the trees.

"It is as if every object is alive," Throk said as he uneasily stepped over roots and stones.

"It feels like home," Oriander said.

The group traveled farther from the familiar forest line and into the remains of a large keep. Several eladrin rangers came and went through a set of rotten doors.

The sentry stopped at the doorway. "Lord Thray is inside," he said. He then stepped to the side.

Oriander led the two men inside the keep. The darkness seemed to gradually dissipate as they stepped farther inside. Light came dimly from the mortar between the large stones in the walls. The hum continued.

Finally they came to the inner chamber. They saw a aged eladrin man with sunburnt skin and a deep scar that entered his hairline on the left side of his face. Before him was a clear, placid pool of water. Roots from the overgrown foliage had found its way over the rock rim of the pool and into the water.

The man turned and addressed the group. "Thousands have made this pilgrimage before you," he said and walked closer. "Some have heard that the well is the answer to undeath. Some believe the well to be the bestower of magical properties. Other's think that this water will grant all of their deepest desires." He paused and studied them. "Why is it that you have come?"

Oriander was in front and spoke for the group. "I am Oriander of Senaliesse. I was sent away by the Prince of Hearts when the Tiandra, the Summer Queen, was murdered." The ranger listened as she continued to speak. "I do not seek the Moonwell, Lord Thray. I have sought out Shinaelestra so that I may return home and bring order to the Court of Stars."

"Indeed," Lord Thray said. "And what of your companions?"

Artifax stepped forward and addressed the ranger. "I am Artifax of Mount Mertion. I do not wish personal gain from this moonwell, Lord Thray. Our only hope is that it can deliver us in time to rescue a loved one from the Iron Keep of Oman's Isle. We have heard that there is a sister moonwell there." Artifax waited for his reaction.

"I see." He continued to study the three before him. "An elf that mettles in the affairs of a fey goddess. A gnome... of sorts, that believes he hails from the plane of dragons. In all my years guarding this moonwell, I have never heard anything quite like this."

Throk stepped forward. "They speak the truth Lord Thray. In two days the Fomorian Queen will execute someone close to Artifax."

At this, Lord Thray looked alert. "Queen Connomae is in this world? On Oman Isle?" He whistled and the sound echoed off of the walls and towers of the keep. Rangers entered behind Throk.

Thray continued, "I do not keep those in search of the moonwell from tasting its waters, nor do I keep them from a swim. Our role is to protect the integrity of this place... to keep the moonwell safe. The moonwell itself judges intention."

Artifax looked around at the rangers. "And these men," he said. "What of them?"

Lord Thray smiled. "They are coming with you Artifax."

Wayward Tail: The Mortal Realms Trilogy, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now